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shan是什么意思 shan的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-17 13:49:51
  • 648

shan是什么意思 shan的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性:'shan'可以作为名词、动词、形容词等多种词性出现。具体来说,作为名词时可以指山脉、山峰等自然景观,也可以指山区、山地等地理概念;作为动词时表示攀登、爬升等动作;作为形容词时可以形容某个地方有山、山形等特点。


- The Himalayas is the tallest mountain range in the world. (名词)

- I want to climb up that mountain and get a great view. (动词)

- The town is located in a mountainous area. (形容词)

- The Rocky Mountains cover a vast area in North America. (名词)

- She shan't be able to make it to the meeting as she has some urgent work to finish. (缩写词)

2. 地理位置:'shan'经常出现在地名中,例如中国的五岳(泰山、华山、衡山、黄山、嵩山)、日本的山、美国的罗斯山等等。


- We went hiking in the Rocky Mountains last summer when we visited Canada. (地名)

- The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is located in Tennessee and North Carolina. (地名)

- Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest peak in Africa. (地名)

3. 文化意义:'shan'在很多文化中都有特殊的意义。比如在佛教中,山被视为禅定修行的场所;在中国文化中,山有向善向美、崇高高远的涵义,是文人墨客及精神追求者常常向往的象征。


- The Shaolin Temple is located at the foot of Songshan Mountain in China. (佛教)

- The traditional Chinese landscape painting often features mountains and water. (文化)

- Many poets in ancient China wrote about their yearning for the mountains. (文化)

4. 缩写词:'shan'也可以是一些缩写词的简写,比如'SHAN'可以代表'Severe Hazards Analysis and Notification', 'Smoking, Hunger, Alcohol, and Narcotics'等。


- The SHAN system provides alerts and warnings for natural disasters. (缩写词)

- The SHAN campaign aims to raise awareness about the dangers of smoking and drinking. (缩写词)


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