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fete是什么意思 fete的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-28 09:41:35
  • 923

fete是什么意思 fete的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性和词义:'fete'是一个名词,意为“庆祝活动,节日”。在英国,fete指的是一个小型的集市或者庆祝活动,通常在夏季举办。


- The school fete was a great success, with lots of stalls and games for the children to enjoy.(学校庆祝活动很成功,有许多摊位和游戏让孩子们玩乐。)

- We went to the village fete and had a great time, trying out all the different local foods.(我们去了村庄的庆祝活动,尝试了所有不同的当地食物,度过了美好的时光。)

2. 用法:'fete'通常用于正式场合或者文学作品中,表示一个庆祝活动或者节日,也可以作为动词使用,意为“庆祝”。


- The Queen was fêted by the local people during her visit to the town.(女王在访问该镇期间得到当地人的热情庆祝。)

- The new book by the famous author was fêted at a launch party in London.(这位著名作家的新书在伦敦的发布会上受到了盛大的庆祝。)

3. 可能的源头:'fete'一词起源于法语,源自拉丁语的“festum”,意为“节日”。


- The fete had a distinctly French theme, with lots of croissants and baguettes on offer.(庆祝活动具有明显的法国主题,供应了大量的牛角面包和法棍面包。)

- The town's fete celebrates the town's history and culture, with displays of traditional crafts and dances.(该镇的庆祝活动庆祝该镇的历史和文化,展示传统工艺和舞蹈。)

4. 相关词汇:与'fete'相关的词汇包括“celebration”(庆祝),“festival”(节日),以及“carnival”(狂欢节)。


- The annual music festival is one of the highlights of the town's cultural calendar.(每年一度的音乐节是该镇文化日历中的亮点之一。)

- The carnival is a time of fun and revelry, with people dressing up in colorful costumes and dancing in the streets.(狂欢节是一个充满乐趣和欢乐的时节,人们穿着五颜六色的服装在街头跳舞。)


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