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lessismore是什么意思 lessismore的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-03 00:54:15
  • 991

lessismore是什么意思 lessismore的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词源解析:'lessismore'是由英文单词“less”(少)和“is”(是)以及“more”(多)组成的合成词或缩写词。它的意思是即使生活中有时候以简单的方式去做事情更加有效,同时也能够带来更多的快乐和幸福感。


- Less is more when it comes to decorating a room. (在装饰房间方面越简单越好。)

- He realized that having fewer possessions made him happier; less is more. (他意识到拥有更少的物质财富能够让自己更快乐,简单就是美。)

2. 设计理念:'lessismore'也是一种设计理念,即在设计中追求使用最少的材料,减少冗余元素,使设计更简洁、更具有美感和功能性。


- The new phone has a 'lessismore' design, with a minimalist look and only a few ons. (新手机采用了简约设计,外观简单美观,只有几个按键。)

- The 'lessismore' approach to web design favors clean lines and white space. (简约的网页设计注重线条简洁和留白。)

3. 购物理念:在购物中,'lessismore'意味着购买更少的东西,但更好的质量,避免过度消费和浪费资源。


- I'm trying to adopt a 'lessismore' attitude towards shopping and only purchase things that I really need. (我正试着采用简约的购物态度,只买自己真正需要的东西。)

- The 'lessismore' approach to fashion encourages investing in quality pieces that can be worn for years. (简约的时尚理念鼓励购买高质量的服饰,可以穿多年。)

4. 环保理念:'lessismore'也和环保理念有关,指减少使用和浪费资源。


- The 'lessismore' philosophy reminds us to use less water when showering and to turn off the lights when leaving a room. (“简约是美”的思想提醒我们在淋浴时使用更少的水,离间时关闭灯光。)

- The 'lessismore' approach to waste reduction involves recycling, composting, and reducing the amount of packaging and single-use products. (简约的废物减少理念包括回收,堆肥,减少包装和一次性产品的使用。)

5. 人生哲学:'lessismore'也可以是一种人生哲学,意味着在生活中关注更重要的东西,减少无意义的干扰和繁琐的琐事。


- After a period of intense work, he decided to adopt a 'lessismore' mindset and spend more time with his family and friends. (经过一段紧张的工作后,他决定采用简约的思维方式,多花时间陪伴家人和朋友。)

- The 'lessismore' approach to life emphasizes the importance of simplicity, gratitude, and mindfulness. (生活中的简约主义强调简单、感恩和正念的重要性。)


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