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declawed是什么意思 declawed的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-16 06:37:09
  • 467

declawed是什么意思 declawed的读音、翻译、用法



- declawed cat:去爪的猫

- declawed paws:去爪的爪子

- declawed claws:去爪的爪牙

- declawed kitten:去爪的小猫

- declawed for indoor living:为了室内生活去爪

- declawed for safety reasons:出于安全考虑去爪

- declawed for cosmetic purposes:出于美容目的去爪



1. The declawed cat was unable to climb up the tree to escape the dog.(这只去爪的猫无法爬上树逃避狗的追赶。)

2. My sister had her cat declawed because it kept scratching her furniture.(我姐姐让她的猫去爪是因为它老是抓坏家具。)

3. In some countries, declawing cats is illegal because it is considered cruel.(在一些国家,去爪猫被认为是残忍的行为而被禁止。)

4. I don't agree with declawing, I think it's inhumane.(我不赞同去爪,我认为这是不人道的。)

5. Several animal rights organizations are campaigning to ban declawing globally.(几个动物权利组织正在呼吁全球禁止去爪。)

6. The declawed kitten had to learn how to walk and balance again without its claws.(这个去爪的小猫必须学习如何在没有爪子的情况下重新行走和保持平衡。)

7. The company's budget was declawed due to a decrease in profits from last quarter.(由于上个季度利润下降,公司的预算被削减。)


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