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algorithmic是什么意思 algorithmic的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-19 06:11:54
  • 175

algorithmic是什么意思 algorithmic的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:So this is what we may call the tragedy of the algorithmic commons, and if offers new types of challenges.

翻译:这就是我们所谓的算法共享悲剧, 这会带来新的类型的挑战。



例句:We need to make sure we have algorithmic accountability, auditing and meaningful transparency.

翻译:我们需要确保 有人为算法负责, 为算法, 并切实的公开透明。



例句:Algorithmic predictions or our digital practices cannot account for the unpredictability and complexity of human experience.

翻译:算法或者数据实践 无法应对人类经验的 不可性和复杂性。



例句:Out went the teams supervising meat, veg, bakery, and in came an algorithmic task allocator.

翻译:原先的团队对肉类、 蔬菜、烘焙的管理, 而今被一个任务分配算法取而代之。



algorithmic一般作为形容词使用,如在fuzzy algorithmic approach(不确定算法)、international algorithmic language([计] 国际算法语言)、fuzzy algorithmic approach(不确定算法)等常见短语中出现较多。

fuzzy algorithmic approach不确定算法
international algorithmic language[计] 国际算法语言
fuzzy algorithmic approach不确定算法
international algorithmic language[计] 国际算法语言
nonalgorithmic procedure非演算法程序


1. Algorithmic predictions or our digital practices cannot account for the unpredictability and complexity of human experience.

翻译:算法或者数据实践 无法应对人类经验的 不可性和复杂性。

2. Out went the teams supervising meat, veg, bakery, and in came an algorithmic task allocator.

翻译:原先的团队对肉类、 蔬菜、烘焙的管理, 而今被一个任务分配算法取而代之。

3. A challenge to me was how we could express this new algorithmic order in a column.

翻译:我遇到的挑战是我们要怎样 在柱子表达这些新的算法。

4. The cortex still has some algorithmic tricks that we don't yet know how to match in machines.

翻译:人类大脑还具有一些运算技巧, 可是我们不知道如何 将这些技巧用于机器。

5. Algorithmic bias can also lead to exclusionary experiences and discriminatory practices.

翻译:算法也将会导致排他的经历和 歧视性的做法。

6. And the challenge with these kinds of algorithmic filters, these personalized filters, is that, because they're mainly looking at what you click on first, it can throw off that balance.

翻译:这些算法过滤器和 这些个性化定制过滤器的挑战, 在于,因为它们主要参考 你最先点击的东西, 所以,它可能最后无法实现那种(信息间的)平衡。

7. Now you've seen in my examples how social robots was how i found out about exclusion with algorithmic bias.

翻译:现在你看到了在我的例子中 社交机器人 使我发现了算法偏见的排他性。

8. And the idea that architecture itself is somehow subject to algorithmic optimization is not far-fetched.

翻译:建筑本身 某种程度上服从算法优化的想法 并非牵强。

9. Music is nothing but algorithmic processes right now.


10. An algorithmic tool for performing encryption-- they're used for sending and interpreting messages.

翻译:密码盒就是用于加密的一种算法工具 是用于发送并解码信息的。

11. Signal Algorithmic Processing Systems.

翻译:使用信号分析系统 Signal Algorithmic Processing Systems.。

12. When they're not -- i mean, the algorithmic robot overlords are going to feed them what they've already done.

翻译:我的意思是,算法机器人霸王 会为她们提供类似她们先前已经浏览过的东西。

13. So Facebook isn't the only place that's doing this kind of invisible, algorithmic editing of the Web.

翻译:脸谱不是唯一 进行这样隐形的、算法的 编辑网络的地方。

14. it's what the money motivates, that we're actually terraforming the Earth itself with this kind of algorithmic efficiency.

翻译:而是钱所激发的东西。我们实际上在用 这种算法的效率 在改造地球本身。

15. Algorithmic bias, like human bias, results in unfairness.

翻译:正如人类之间的偏见 算法偏见也会导致不公平。


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