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nanu是什么意思 nanu的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-24 11:02:17
  • 109

nanu是什么意思 nanu的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Nanu soon will learn that it is not so easy to find food in the Kingdom of ice.

翻译:纳努很快就会学到 在这冰雪王国里面 找顿吃的可不是件轻松的事情。



例句:Contrary to Nanu, the fox doesn't know how to swim.

翻译:跟纳努相反 这只小狐狸并不会游泳。



例句:Nanu also returns to their Kingdom of native ice.




例句:According to the ancestral rhythm of the North the days of abundance for Nanu and their family they put an end to the arrival of the summer.

翻译:根据冰雪王国古老的韵律 纳努一家丰衣足食的日子 就在夏天悄悄逼近的时候 结束了。



nanu一般作为名词使用,如在Diplacanthus n([医] 短膜壳绦虫, 微小膜壳绦虫)、Echinops n(n. 丝毛蓝刺头)、enneapterygius n(矮双线鳚;狗鲦;三鳍鳚)等常见短语中出现较多。

Diplacanthus n[医] 短膜壳绦虫, 微小膜壳绦虫
Echinops nn. 丝毛蓝刺头
enneapterygius n矮双线鳚;狗鲦;三鳍鳚
Euonymus nn. 矮卫矛


1. Nanu also returns to their Kingdom of native ice.


2. According to the ancestral rhythm of the North the days of abundance for Nanu and their family they put an end to the arrival of the summer.

翻译:根据冰雪王国古老的韵律 纳努一家丰衣足食的日子 就在夏天悄悄逼近的时候 结束了。

3. in order to survive, it should move away Nanu of their side.

翻译:为了大家都能生存 下去 她只能把纳努赶走。

4. Nanu meets with a flock of tusks the unicorns of the sea.

翻译:纳努看到了一大群的独角鲸 海洋的独角兽。

5. it is also a challenge for the mother of Nanu that he/she specializes in hunting hidden preys.

翻译:对纳努的妈妈来说 这同样是一个挑战 她那捕食的技术变得毫无用处了。

6. Unfortunately for the seal the mother of Nanu is able to penetrate a meter of snow with their smell.

翻译:但不幸的是 纳努的妈妈可以嗅到冰层下3米内的东西。

7. in the north, "Nanu" could call herself. "Small it dares polar."

翻译:"纳努" 她是一只小北极熊。

8. Nanu doesn't have experience in attacking enormous tusks.

翻译:纳努并没有经验 去对付这些大块头。

9. Nanu makes a miracle of the north.


10. in the mountain of snow, the brother of Nanu it delays the beginning of a trip...

翻译:在雪山里头 纳努的弟弟耽搁了大家的时间。

11. in the broken field of ice the world of Nanu seems to be being perturbed.

翻译:在支离破碎的冰层上 纳努对眼前发生的一切感到十分不安。

12. it is an impossible mission for Nanu.


13. For the first time in their life, Nanu doesn't see it after her.

翻译:这是纳努有生以来 第一次没看到弟弟紧随着她。

14. The mother of Nanu got tired of the hardship of their cave.


15. Nanu has swimed during days and it is so tired that almost he/she drowns.

翻译:她已经游了整整一天了 极度地疲劳使她差点溺水。


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