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domitia是什么意思 domitia的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-24 02:52:32
  • 50

domitia是什么意思 domitia的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:There would have been a Domitia iV, but mom died trying to give birth to her three years ago.

翻译:本来还有个Domitia IV , 但在三年前妈妈生她时去世了。



domitia一般作为名词使用,如在Titus Flavius Domiti([网络] 图密善;安努斯;图密善皇帝)、titus flavius domitis([网络] 图密善;安努斯;图密善皇帝\n(titus flavius domiti 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

Titus Flavius Domiti[网络] 图密善;安努斯;图密善皇帝
titus flavius domitis[网络] 图密善;安努斯;图密善皇帝\n(titus flavius domiti 的复数)


1. Domitia i has met another ten year old also decked out in the insignia of betrothal.

翻译:Domitia I遇见了另一个十岁的孩子 也戴着订婚的标志。

2. Poor Lucius, he does not know that Domitia's dad thinks he and his family are wealthy but still scumbags from the Subura.

翻译:可怜的 Lucius,他不知道 Domitia的爸爸 认为他和他家是有钱, 但却是来自Subura的。

3. Domitia, Domitia, and Domitia are tasked with spinning the wool that will be used to weave this mighty garment, 30 or more feet long and elliptical in shape.

翻译:Domitia, Domitia, and Domitia正在 纺线 来织这件 三十多英尺长的椭圆形的大衣服。

4. And then there's Domitia i, who is ten.

翻译:还有Domitia I,十岁。

5. What do Domitia, Domitia, and Domitia do all day?

翻译:Domitia, Domitia and Domitia一天都干什么了。

6. While as they wait, Domitia ii and Domitia iii play with their dolls that mirror the image of their sister decked out to be married.

翻译:等的时候Domitia II 和 Domitia III在玩她们的娃娃 娃娃是照着她们的姐姐 要出嫁的样子做的。

7. Her name is Domitia, and she is just 5 years old.

翻译:她的名字叫Domitia, 只有五岁。

8. Domitia iii is not just drawing on the pillar, she's also watching the action.

翻译:Domitia III 不只是在柱子上画画, 还观察行动。

9. Domitia iii shot off and is drawing on a column.

翻译:Domitia III跑出去,正在往一个柱子上画画。

10. She has an older sister, Domitia ii, who is 7 years old.

翻译:她有个姐姐,Domitia II ,七岁。

11. What is worse is that Dad insists on calling all his daughters Domitia.

翻译:糟糕的是其父坚持 叫他所有的女儿Domitia。

12. His call to Domitia drawing on the column, Domitia iii.

翻译:他喊在柱子上画画的Domitia, Domitia III。

13. When Domitia, Domitia, and Domitia want to leave the house to go somewhere, like the Portico of Livia, they must get ready.

翻译:当Domitia, Domitia, 和 Domitia想 离开家到什么地方去时, 例如利维娅的门廊, 她们必须做好准备。

14. Lucius Popidius Secundus, a 17 year old, he wants to marry Domitia ii within the next five to seven years, has come as well.

翻译:Lucius Popidius Secundus,十七岁。他想在今后五到七年里 娶Domitia II, 也来了。

15. But they got in a real mess over which Domitia was married to whom and was either the great aunt or the great stepmother and so on to whom when they came to write it down.

翻译:但是当他们要记录 Domitia和谁结婚了 是姑婆和谁结婚了 还是继母的妈和谁结婚了 他们真是搞不清了。


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