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maximize是什么意思 maximize的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-08 14:23:14
  • 101

maximize是什么意思 maximize的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:One: Curved tips can maximize the springiness when you draw and shoot the arrow.

翻译:第一:弯度适宜的箭尖,这样,拉弓射箭时, 能最大限度地弹射出去。



例句:They use electricity and magnetic fields to stimulate my feet muscles and maximize my kick power!

翻译:利用电与刺激脚的穴道 可使肌肉的力量发挥极限。



例句:All were racing to bring their tea back to Europe first to maximize their profits.

翻译:这些船只飞速地将茶叶带回欧洲 从而最大化公司的利润。



例句:Merely pointing out if they coordinated their coal-shoveling technique, they could maximize our speed.

翻译:要是他们能让我指点一下他们的铲煤技巧 就能使火车提速到极限。



maximize一般作为动词使用,如在rational maximizer([网络] 理性最大化者)、maximize on(最大化按钮\n[计] 最大化按钮)、maximize profit([经] 使利润最大)等常见短语中出现较多。

rational maximizer[网络] 理性最大化者
maximize on最大化按钮\n[计] 最大化按钮
maximize profit[经] 使利润最大
maximize revenue收益最大化
maximize value使价值最大化


1. All were racing to bring their tea back to Europe first to maximize their profits.

翻译:这些船只飞速地将茶叶带回欧洲 从而最大化公司的利润。

2. Merely pointing out if they coordinated their coal-shoveling technique, they could maximize our speed.

翻译:要是他们能让我指点一下他们的铲煤技巧 就能使火车提速到极限。

3. There's research underway now at Harvard Medical School to pick the optimum pairs to maximize that benefit.

翻译:这些试验正在哈佛医学院进行 来挑选出最优组合 最大化效果。

4. Try to really maximize the feeling.

翻译:尝试真正最大化 的感觉。

5. And there's a place where we can maximize our abilities.

翻译:而且一定有某个地方... 能让这些能力发挥到极致。

6. The next move was that we wanted to try and maximize the size of those hexagons.

翻译:下一步是我们想要 把六边形做到最大。

7. This would maximize media coverage and grab the attention of the crowds who would be in town.

翻译:这会保证最大的新闻报道, 并引起在城里的人们的注意力。

8. i could maximize your chances of becoming the most powerful person on Earth.

翻译:我能使你登上世界权力顶峰的 可能性最大化。

9. We maximize all of it so that we can understand the past and how evolution works.

翻译:我们充分利用所有方法, 以便了解过去, 研究进化运作。

10. Because that way we know we're gonna maximize "p"...


11. Today's business book says: business exists to maximize profit for the shareholders.

翻译:如今的一些商业书籍称: 企业的存在是为了 帮助股东获取利润最大化。

12. The next move was that we wanted to try and maximize the size of those hexagons.

翻译:下一步是我们想要 把六边形做到最大。

13. Thefollowingis alistof options to maximize the efficiency of your call.

翻译:是一个列表 选择,最大限度增加 您的通话效率。

14. YouTube wants to maximize how much time you spend.

翻译:YouTube希望你在 它上面花的时间越多越好。

15. So we were keen to scale this up and apply biomimicry ideas to maximize the benefits.

翻译:因此我们希望可以扩大 应用生物模拟的想法把效益最大化。




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