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counteract是什么意思 counteract的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-25 05:54:48
  • 95

counteract是什么意思 counteract的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:i concluded it must be to counteract the humiliation of knowing your are at the end of a very long leash held by a very short man.

翻译:要我说 你的命根子就握在 I concluded it must be to counteract 那个一个小个子手里 如此屈辱 the humiliation of knowing your 你的动机一定是某种 are at the end of a very long leash。



例句:So there are a lot of reforms we could do that will counteract this.

翻译:所以,有很多改革方案 可以阻碍事情朝这方面发展。



例句:Anyway, we need to find a way to counteract it so... Spike:




例句:And where you might expect the canvas’ massive size to counteract this feeling, its scale only highlights the nearly life-sized atrocities on display.

翻译:可能你会认为画布的 巨大篇幅会抵消这种感受, 但它的大小实际上更强烈地 呈现出活生生的暴行。



counteract一般作为动词使用,如在odor counteractant(除臭剂)等常见短语中出现较多。

odor counteractant除臭剂


1. Anyway, we need to find a way to counteract it so... Spike:


2. And where you might expect the canvas’ massive size to counteract this feeling, its scale only highlights the nearly life-sized atrocities on display.

翻译:可能你会认为画布的 巨大篇幅会抵消这种感受, 但它的大小实际上更强烈地 呈现出活生生的暴行。

3. To counteract this, we have to start creating new jobs that are less centered on the tasks that a person does and more focused on the skills that a person brings to work.

翻译:要应对这点 我们必须开始创造新的职业 那种不那么以人的任务为中心 而是更集中在人的 工作技巧层面的职业。

4. it's said that putting glutinous rice on the wound can counteract the vampire's poison.

翻译:相传把糯米涂在给僵尸咬过的伤口 就可以解除尸毒。

5. That's ethylmodine to counteract the toxin you gave him.

翻译:开启心率监测仪 灵敏度设为最高 蓝色的那瓶 里面是乙胺 用来中和之前注射给他的毒药。

6. We gave it naltrexone to counteract.

翻译:我们就给他用了 环丙甲羟二 以减轻症状。

7. And on the actual test day, try taking deep breaths to counteract your body’s flight/fight/freeze response.

翻译:到了考试当天, 试着做深呼吸 来平衡身体的应激反应。

8. See, i'm operating at a much higher vibration which i think is gonna counteract his attempts at positive energy.


9. But, as you can all imagine, it was very easy to counteract, because what was the guerrilla going to say?

翻译:与此同时,你们都能想象到, 这个方法不太奏效。游击队可以说。

10. And it's to help all of us, myself included, to counteract the tendency to otherize.

翻译:它对我们所有人都有益处, 包括我自己, 它可以抵消我们 排斥异见者的趋势。

11. Bill Lyell: Would you say that this mechanism is in part how terrorism actually works to frighten us, and is there some way that we could counteract that?

翻译:你是不是说这种思考模式 也是用来恐吓我们的一种手段 有没有方法可以克服它呢。

12. To counteract this risk, coronaviruses have a unique feature: an enzyme that checks for replication errors and corrects mistakes.

翻译:为了抵消这种风险, 展现出了一种独有的特性: 一种可以检验基因复制错误 并进行纠正的酶。

13. They should counteract the effects of Vertigo.


14. They counteract the radiation poisoning.


15. Hydrogen atoms smash together to form helium, accompanied by a great release of energy, strong enough to counteract the shrinking force of the gravity.

翻译:氢气聚集形成氦气 释放出巨大的能量 足够抵消使球体缩小的重力。


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