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limbic是什么意思 limbic的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-06 05:09:45
  • 139

limbic是什么意思 limbic的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:The Limbic Lab consists of two components: a narrative engine and a media machine.

翻译:大脑边缘实验室由两个部分组成: 【注:边缘系统为负责情绪的脑区】 一个叙事引擎 和一个媒体机器。



例句:{\pos(192,225)}{\Yeah,}But we heard it too, and my limbic's not triggered.

翻译:但是我们也听到了 但是我的边缘叶没有被触动到。



例句:it's hard-wired into your limbic brain. You can't fight it. Why would you want to?



4.边缘的 、边缘的

例句:Already the Limbic Lab's narrative engine helps content creators refine their storytelling, so that it resonates with their target audiences on an individual level.

翻译:大脑边缘实验室 的叙事引擎 能帮助内容创作者完善 他们讲故事的方式, 使其能在个体层面上 与目标观众产生共鸣。



limbic一般作为形容词使用,如在fovea limbica([医] 缘沟(动物))、gyri limbicus([医] 穹隆回)、lobi limbicus([医] 穹窿回)等常见短语中出现较多。

fovea limbica[医] 缘沟(动物)
gyri limbicus[医] 穹隆回
lobi limbicus[医] 穹窿回
Lobus limbicus边缘叶
intralimbic gyri[医] 边内回
limbic bands[医] 缘带(胎心右房之上下肌带)
limbic brain[网络] 大脑中的边缘系统;区域;边缘脑
limbic brains[网络] 大脑中的边缘系统;区域;边缘脑\n(limbic brain 的复数)


1. it's hard-wired into your limbic brain. You can't fight it. Why would you want to?


2. Already the Limbic Lab's narrative engine helps content creators refine their storytelling, so that it resonates with their target audiences on an individual level.

翻译:大脑边缘实验室 的叙事引擎 能帮助内容创作者完善 他们讲故事的方式, 使其能在个体层面上 与目标观众产生共鸣。

3. There's ody in the subcortical regions or the limbic regions of the brain.


4. And there you have it prefrontal-cortex reasoning versus limbic .

翻译:瞧 前额叶皮层的理智在和 边缘系统的欲望作斗争。

5. is that this is a limbic trigger.


6. i am currently testing the Limbic Lab in a pilot study with the Norman Lear Center, which looks at the top 50 eodic television shows.

翻译:我现在正在与诺曼·李尔中心一起 【注:USC 的公共政策研究所】 对大脑边缘实验室 进行前导研究, 研究对象是 排名前 50 的电视剧。

7. The Limbic Lab's other component, the media machine, will s how media elicits an emotional and physiological response, then pulls scenes from a content library targeted to person-specific media DNA.

翻译:大脑边缘实验室的另外一部分, 媒体机器, 将会评估媒体如何引起 观众感情和生理上的反应, 并从内容库中提取出 针对特定个人媒体 DNA 的内容。

8. The middle two sections make up our limbic brains, and our limbic brains are responsible for all of our feelings, like trust and loyalty.

翻译:中间的两个部分是我们的两个边脑。边脑负责我们所有的情感, 比如信任和忠诚。

9. The middle two sections make up our limbic brains, and our limbic brains are responsible for all of our feelings, like trust and loyalty.

翻译:中间的两个部分是我们的两个边脑。边脑负责我们所有的情感, 比如信任和忠诚。


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