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indigne是什么意思 indigne的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-16 05:20:41
  • 160

indigne是什么意思 indigne的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性和词义:'indigne'是一个形容词,表示愤怒、愤慨或不满的;也可以作为动词的过去分词形式,表示被冒犯或受到侮辱。值得注意的是,'indigne'是法语单词,英语中通常称其为'indignant'。


- She was indignant when she learned that her boss had lied to her.

- The villagers were indignant about the government's decision to close the local school.

- He felt indignant that his hard work had been ignored by his colleagues.

- They were indigne that their privacy had been violated by the paparazzi.

- The students were indignant that their professor had cancelled the exam without notice.

2. 用法和搭配:'indigne'通常用来描述人的情绪和反应。它可以与'at'、'over'、'about'等介词搭配,表示愤怒、愤慨或不满的原因,也可以与'with'连用,表示被冒犯或受到侮辱的对象。


- She was indignant at the way her colleague had treated her.

- Many people were indignant over the company's decision to lay off workers.

- He was indignant about the way the newspaper had portrayed him.

- She was indignant with her boss for ist comments.

- The customers were indignant with the restaurant for serving them cold food.

3. 引申意义和表达方式:除了直接表达愤怒、愤慨或不满,'indigne'还可以用来表示道义上的义愤,并用于修辞手法中,如修辞疑问句和比喻。


- How can you not be indignant at such injustice?

- They were indignant, as if their rights had been trampled on.

- She was indignant, like a lioness defending her cubs.

- He was indignant, as if he had been personally insulted.

- The people were indigne, like a powder keg waiting to explode.


1. She was indignant when she learned that her boss had lied to her. (当她得知她的老板对她说谎时,她感到愤怒。)

2. The villagers were indignant about the government's decision to close the local school. (村民们对关闭当地学校的决定感到愤慨。)

3. How can you not be indignant at such injustice? (在这样的不公正面前,你怎么能不感到义愤呢?)

4. They were indigne that their privacy had been violated by the paparazzi. (他们感到愤怒,因为狗仔队侵犯了他们的隐私。)

5. The customers were indignant with the restaurant for serving them cold food. (顾客对餐厅给他们上冷菜感到不满。)


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