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continous是什么意思 continous的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-27 15:50:16
  • 991

continous是什么意思 continous的读音、翻译、用法

continuous是一个形容词,表示连续的、不断的、持续的。常见的词组搭配有continuous line(连续线)、continuous improvement(持续改进)、continuous process(连续过程)、continuous flow(连续流)、continuous learning(持续学习)等。它的发音为/kənˈtɪnjuəs/,拼写为continuous。


1. The continuous rain has made the streets flood.(连续的雨使街道发生了洪水。)

2. He practices the piano every day for continuous improvement.(他每天练习钢琴以持续改进。)

3. The factory has a continuous process for manufacturing automobiles.(工厂有一个连续的制造汽车的流程。)

4. The continuous flow of oxygen is necessary for the patient's recovery.(氧气的连续流动对病人的康复很重要。)

5. Continuous learning is the key to keeping up with the changing times.(持续学习是跟上时代变化的关键。)

6. The continuous beep of the alarm clock woke me up.(闹钟不停的哔哔声把我吵醒了。)

7. The continuous sound of traffic outside my window disturbed my concentration.(窗外持续的交通噪音干扰了我的注意力。)


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