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mcevoy是什么意思 mcevoy的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-25 11:57:37
  • 178

mcevoy是什么意思 mcevoy的读音、翻译、用法



1. McEvoy is an Irish surname that means "son of the son of the pale one". (Mcevoy是个爱尔兰的姓氏,意为“苍白者之子的儿子”。)

2. Kevin McEvoy is a renowned artist known for his hyperrealistic paintings. (Kevin McEvoy是一位以超现实主义绘画而闻名的艺术家。)

3. The McEvoy family has been living in this house for three generations. (McEvoy家族在这所房子里居住了三代人。)

4. The McEvoy twins look identical but they have different personalities. (McEvoy双胞胎看起来一模一样,但他们性格不同。)

5. As a McEvoy employee, you are expected to follow the company's code of conduct. (作为McEvoy公司的员工,你需要遵守公司的行为准则。)

2.第二,'Mcevoy'也可以是某个组织、企业、团体的缩写词,比如说'MCEVOY St. Paul'可能是某个机构、公司或地名的缩写。


1. The MCEVOY St. Paul hospital has been providing top-notch medical service to the local community for over 50 years. (MCEVOY St. Paul医院已经为当地社区提供了超过50年的顶尖医疗服务。)

2. MCEVOY Inc. is a leading provider of software solutions for the financial industry. (MCEVOY公司是金融业软件解决方案的领先提供商。)

3. The MCEVOY Foundation is dedicated to promoting education and fighting poverty in developing countries. (MCEVOY基金会致力于在发展中国家推广教育和打击贫困。)

4. The MCEVOY Center is a popular venue for music concerts and theatre performances. (MCEVOY中心是音乐会和戏剧表演的热门场所。)

5. MCEVOY Street is named after a famous politician who played a key role in the city's history. (MCEVOY街道以一位对城市历史起了关键作用的著名家命名。)

3.第三,'Mcevoy'也可以是某个人的名字,比如说'Mick McEvoy'、'Grace McEvoy'等等。


1. Mick McEvoy is a retired footballer who used to play for the Manchester United. (Mick McEvoy是一名曾经效力于曼彻斯特联队的退役足球运动员。)

2. Grace McEvoy is a talented singer-songwriter from New Zealand. (Grace McEvoy是一位来自新西兰的才华横溢的创作歌手。)

3. The McEvoy brothers were both soldiers who fought in World War II. (McEvoy兄弟都是在二战中参战的士兵。)

4. Sarah McEvoy is a teacher who specializes in teaching English as a second language. (Sarah McEvoy是一位专门教授英语作为第二语言的教师。)

5. John McEvoy is a famous author known for his crime novels. (John McEvoy是一位以犯罪小说而著名的作家。)


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