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yourtime是什么意思 yourtime的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-27 08:59:12
  • 93

yourtime是什么意思 yourtime的读音、翻译、用法


1. 意义:'yourtime'一般被译为“你的时间”,也可以被缩写为“YT”,用于提醒某个人,时间属于他们自己,可以自由支配。

2. 用途:'yourtime' 常用于商业场景中,比如:客户询问可行性、商务洽谈等。

3. 常见短语:一些常见的短语包括:

- It's your time to shine.

- Now it's your time to show what you've got.

- Use your time wisely.

- Take your time.

4. 上下文示例:

- “If you're free tomorrow, we can chat more about the proposal then. Yourtime?” (如果你明天有空的话,我们可以继续聊一下这个提议。你有时间吗?)

- “I'm really interested in working with you, but I need to know if it's feasible. When would be a good time to discuss? Yourtime.” (我很想和你合作,需要知道这是否可行。什么时候讨论比较好呢?你有时间吗?)

- “I'll leave the details for you to look over. Take your time and let me know if you have any questions.” (我会留下细节让你查看的,你看看有没有问题就好了,不急着回复。)

- “You've been putting in a lot of hard work lately. It's yourtime to relax and enjoy your success.” (最近你付出了很多努力,现在是你放松并享受成功的时候了。)

- “You've been selected to partite in this competition. It's your time to prove your talent to the world.” (你被选中参加比赛,现在是你向世界证明自己才华的时候了。)


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