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cheerfulness是什么意思 cheerfulness的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-28 06:46:48
  • 92

cheerfulness是什么意思 cheerfulness的读音、翻译、用法

词义:'cheerfulness' 是名词,表示快乐愉悦的状态或性格特点。



1. radiant cheerfulness:洋溢着光彩的快乐

2. infectious cheerfulness:具有感染力的快乐

3. buoyant cheerfulness:悠闲自得的快乐

4. unrestrained cheerfulness:放纵的快乐

5. exuberant cheerfulness:茁壮的快乐



1. She always had a positive outlook on life and radiated cheerfulness to everyone she met. 她总是对生活保持乐观的态度,给每个人带来了快乐。

2. The children's laughter filled the room with infectious cheerfulness. 孩子们的笑声充满了房间,感染力十足的快乐。

3. Despite facing many challenges in life, she continued to display a buoyant cheerfulness that inspired others. 尽管面临着生活中的许多挑战,她仍然表现出悠闲自得的快乐,鼓舞着他人。

4. His unrestrained cheerfulness could sometimes be overwhelming, but it was always genuine. 他放纵的快乐有时会让人难以承受,但它总是真实的。

5. The exuberant cheerfulness of the carnival was contagious, and everyone was swept up in the festive mood. 狂欢节的茁壮的快乐是具有感染力的,每个人都陶醉在节日的氛围中。

6. Her gentle cheerfulness was like a warm ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, always lifting the spirits of those around her. 她温和的快乐就像是在阴天里的一缕暖阳,总是让周围的人精神振奋。

7. The playfulness and cheerfulness of the puppies was infectious, and soon everyone in the room was playing with them. 小狗的顽皮和快乐是具有感染力的,很快房间里的每个人都和它们玩在一起。


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