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brained是什么意思 brained的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-03 11:26:28
  • 715

brained是什么意思 brained的读音、翻译、用法

1. 具体含义:brained可以指人的脑力,也可以指某个事物具有脑子般的智慧或判断力。缩写词“B.R.A.I.N.E.D.”也可以作为记忆技巧,代表着"Believe, Research, Analyze, Implement, Network, Evaluate, and Deliver"。


- The best way to improve your brained qualities is to read widely and engage in critical thinking.

- The new AI system is highly brained, allowing it to make complex decisions quickly and accurately.

- To remember all the factors that contribute to climate change, I use the B.R.A.I.N.E.D. acronym.

2. 用法:作为形容词,可以用来描述人或事物。作为动词,常常与“pick”或“choose”搭配使用,表示“精选出”或“精挑细选”。


- The students in the honors program are typically brained and highly motivated.

- I brained the best candidate for the job based on their experience and qualifications.

- The chef spent hours braining the perfect ingredients for her signature dish.

3. 常用搭配:brained通常搭配以下词汇使用:smart, quick, sharp, well-, poorly-, over-. 还可以用来形容人的种族或性别。


- My daughter is well-brained and always excels in her cl.

- The new employee was poorly-brained and struggled to keep up with the pace of the job.

- It's not fair to assume that all Asians are brained or all women are not.



- She is a sharp-brained mathematician. (她是一位脑力敏锐的数学家。)

- The company brained the best candidate for the position. (这家公司选择了最适合这个职位的人。)

- He quickly brained the correct answer to the question. (他迅速想出了正确的答案。)

- Over-brained people can sometimes overthink things. (过于聪明的人有时会想太多。)

- B.R.A.I.N.E.D. is a helpful memory tool. (B.R.A.I.N.E.D.是一个有用的记忆技巧。)


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