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heiying是什么意思 heiying的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-24 13:42:22
  • 84

heiying是什么意思 heiying的读音、翻译、用法

'heiying' 并不是一个常见的单词,它可能是一个中文名字或拼音。因此,它没有固定的词义和词性,不可以用于词组搭配和短语。它的发音拼写是 hēi yǐng。


1. "黑影"在夜晚中逐渐消失。("Heiying" gradually disappeared in the night.)

2. 我的朋友叫“黑影”是因为他总是在暗处出现。(My friend's nickname is "Heiying" because he always appears in the dark.)

3. 这只猫有一对绿色“黑影”眼睛。(This cat has a pair of green "heiying" eyes.)

4. 电影的主题是斗争和“黑影”之间的战斗。(The movie's theme is the battle between struggle and "heiying".)

5. 荒野上的“黑影”已经吓坏了当地居民。(The "heiying" in the wilderness has frightened the local residents.)

6. 这个城市被一层“黑影”笼罩,让人感到不安。(The city is shrouded in a layer of "heiying", which makes people feel uneasy.)

7. 经过多年的努力,“黑影”终于被揭示出来。(After years of effort, "heiying" was finally revealed.)


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