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arnhem是什么意思 arnhem的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-10 07:36:14
  • 81

arnhem是什么意思 arnhem的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词汇解释:Arnhem是荷兰东部城市的名称,位于莱茵河畔,拥有重要的运输和商业中心。而缩写词ARNHEM可以表示荷兰皇家空军的基地和训练中心。


- Arnhem is a charming city with a rich history and beautiful architecture.


- The Arnhem bridge played a crucial role in the battle of Arnhem during World War II.


- The Arnhem train station is one of the busiest transportation hubs in the Netherlands.


- Many pilots from around the world come to train at the ARNHEM airbase.


- The ARNHEM training center provides excellent facilities and instructors for aspiring pilots.


2. 发音:Arnhem的发音为/ˈɑːnhɛm/,强调在第一音节上。


- Many tourists struggle to ounce the name of Arnhem correctly.


- The English teacher corrected the student's unciation of Arnhem.


- The Dutch language has many difficult sounds, including the 'nh' in Arnhem.


- It is important to practice the correct unciation of Arnhem when speaking English.


- I can never remember whether it's Arnhem or Amsterdam that has the famous cs!


3. 历史和文化:Arnhem在二战时曾经历过激烈的战争,成为了悲惨的“大撤退”中的一个节点。城市还有许多博物馆和画廊,展示着荷兰的文化遗产和当代艺术。


- The Arnhem War Museum is a must-visit for anyone interested in World War II history.


- Arnhem's art scene is vibrant and diverse, with many galleries showcasing local and international artists.


- The John Frost Bridge in Arnhem is a symbol of the city's resilience and determination during wartime.


- Arnhem has a rich cultural heritage, with many historic landmarks and monuments to explore.


- The local government invests heavily in preserving Arnhem's cultural heritage and promoting the arts.


4. 生活和经济:Arnhem是荷兰的一个重要商业和物流中心,拥有许多国际公司和跨国组织的总部。城市还有许多公园和自然保护区,提供户外活动和休闲娱乐机会。


- Arnhem is a great place to live and work, with a high quality of life and many employment opportunities.


- The Arnhem Fashion Institute is one of the most prestigious schools of its kind in Europe.


- Many international businesses choose to establish their headquarters in Arnhem due to its strategic location and excellent infrastructure.


- Arnhem's natural beauty and abundance of green spaces make it a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts.


- The local economy in Arnhem is growing steadily, with new industries and businesses emerging every year.



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