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cintura是什么意思 cintura的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-12 01:27:55
  • 156

cintura是什么意思 cintura的读音、翻译、用法

I would like to provide some helpful information about the word 'cintura'.

1. Meaning: 'Cintura' is a Spanish word meaning belt. It can also refer to the waistline or the area around the waist.

2. Pronunciation: The unciation of 'cintura' is [sin-too-rah] in Spanish.

3. Usage: 'Cintura' is commonly used to refer to belts worn to hold up pants or skirts, but can also refer to the waistline of a person's body. It is often used in fashion and clothing contexts.

4. Synonyms: Some synonyms for 'cintura' in Spanish are 'correa' (strap), 'faja' (girdle) and 'cinto' (belt).

5. Cultural Significance: The word 'cintura' has cultural significance in Latin American dance rhythms such as salsa and merengue where the waistline is an integral part of the dance.

Here are five example sentences in both Spanish and English:

1. Spanish: Me rompí la cintura al levantarme de la silla. (I pulled my waist getting up from the chair.)

English: I pulled my waist getting up from the chair.

2. Spanish: ¡Aprieta la cintura de ese vestido, que está muy floja! (Tighten the waist of that dress, it's too loose!)

English: Tighten the waist of that dress, it's too loose!

3. Spanish: Me gusta mucho el cinturón que llevas puesto. (I really like the belt you're wearing.)

English: I really like the belt you're wearing.

4. Spanish: La cintura es una de las zonas del cuerpo donde se acumula más grasa. (The waist is one of the areas of the body where fat accumulates the most.)

English: The waist is one of the areas of the body where fat accumulates the most.

5. Spanish: Baila moviendo la cintura al ritmo de la música. (Dance moving your waist to the rhythm of the music.)

English: Dance moving your waist to the rhythm of the music.


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