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qingming是什么意思 qingming的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-14 13:26:48
  • 506

qingming是什么意思 qingming的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词汇解释:Qingming(清明)是中国传统节日之一,也称为“扫墓节”或“寒食节”,通常在每年的4月4日或5日。

2. 节日习俗:Qingming节日习俗复杂,主要包括扫墓、上坟、祭祖、赏花等活动。

3. 文化背景:Qingming源于中国古代的清明节仪式,是祭祀先人、表达感恩和缅怀已故亲人的重要传统。


1. 今年清明节,我和家人一起去祭扫外祖母的墓地。

This year's Qingming Festival, my family and I went to visit my grandmother's tomb.

2. 清明节前,很多人都会回家扫墓,缅怀先人。

Before Qingming Festival, many people go home to sweep tombs and remember their ancestors.

3. 随着城市化的加速,越来越多的人开始选择在墓园祭扫先人,而不是去传统的祖坟家族墓地。

With the acceleration of ization, more and more people choose to worship their ancestors in cemeteries, rather than in traditional clan cemeteries.

4. 清明节期间,一些公园和景区会举办花祭活动,赏花成为了一种新的文化体验。

During Qingming Festival, some parks and scenic spots hold flower-worshiping activities, and enjoying the flowers has become a new cultural experience.

5. 在寒食节这一天,中国南方的一些地区有吃冷餐的习惯,人们通常会吃“寒食米粉”、“寒食烧饼”等食品。

On the day of the Cold Food Festival, some southern regions of China have the habit of eating cold food, and people usually eat "Cold Noodles" and "Cold Food Cakes" and other foods.


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