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manual是什么意思 manual的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-16 02:48:11
  • 324

manual是什么意思 manual的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义:manual可以是形容词,意为“手动的”;也可以是名词,指“手册”、“说明书”等;一,manual还有缩写词的用法,如MA(Master of Arts,文学硕士)。


- The manual transmission in this car gives the driver more control.


- The user manual for this software is very helpful.


- After earning her MA in English, she went on to pursue a PhD.


2. 使用范围:由于manual可以指各种手册和说明书,所以涉及的领域非常广泛,可以包括汽车指南、电子产品说明、安全使用手册、员工手册等等。


- The car manual explains how to change the oil and replace the tires.


- The user manual for this camera is available online in several languages.


- The company's safety manual outlines procedures for handling hazardous materials.


3. 缩写词用法:manual在缩写词中往往表示“硕士研究生文凭”,所以在学术界和职场中非常常见。


- Jane received her MA in history from Harvard University.


- Our job posting requires candidates to have an MA in economics or a related field.


- Before beginning her PhD program, Susan earned an MA in linguistics.



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