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oneida是什么意思 oneida的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-28 15:41:46
  • 944

oneida是什么意思 oneida的读音、翻译、用法


1. Oneida是美国纽约州的一个印第安部落名称。该部落曾经是伊罗鲁奎联盟(Iroquois Confederacy)的一部分,它在历史上与美国签订了一系列条约。因此,Oneida在美国历史和文化中有着独特的意义,它代表了一种古老的文化遗产和民族认同。


- The Oneida Nation is one of the five founding nations of the Iroquois Confederacy.

- The Oneida people have a rich history and culture that spans thousands of years.

- The Oneida Nation has been working to preserve its traditions and language for future generations.

- Oneida Indian Nation Enterprises is a diversified organization that owns and operates a range of businesses, including casinos, hotels, and retail stores.

- The Oneida Nation has been advocating for greater recognition of indigenous peoples' rights and sovereignty.

2. Oneida是一个餐具和厨房用品品牌名称。该品牌的产品种类包括餐具、玻璃器皿、炊具、刀具等。Oneida品牌的产品以高质量、实用性和美观性著称,广泛应用于家庭和商业场合。


- Oneida flatware is known for its elegant designs and durable construction.

- We bought a set of Oneida knives for our restaurant, and they've been working great so far.

- Oneida glassware is perfect for serving drinks at parties and events.

- The Oneida cooking set includes pots, pans, and utensils that are essential for any kitchen.

- Oneida products are available at major retailers and online stores.

3. Oneida是一个美国国家保留地名称。该保留地位于威斯康星州东北部,面积约1200平方英里。Oneida保留地是美国印第安部落的居住地之一,有着丰富的文化和历史遗产。保留地内的居民和机构致力于保护和推广Oneida文化和经济发展。


- The Oneida Reservation is home to the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin.

- The Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin is a federally recognized tribe with a population of over 17,000 members.

- The Oneida Casino is one of the most popular attractions on the reservation.

- The Oneida Tribe is known for its efforts to promote sustainability and environmental protection.

- The Oneida language is an important part of the tribe's cultural heritage and is being taught in schools and community programs.

4. Oneida是一个缩写词,代表一个名为'Oneida Ltd.'的公司。该公司成立于19世纪初,是一家生产银器和餐具的制造商。Oneida Ltd.在其发展历程中逐渐涉足了其他行业,如房地产、金融和娱乐等。该公司在全球范围内有着广泛的知名度和影响力。


- Oneida Ltd. was founded in 1848 and has been a leader in the silverware industry ever since.

- Oneida Ltd. has diversified its operations in recent years, acquiring companies in the real estate and finance sectors.

- The Oneida Community Mansion House is a historic landmark that was once home to the Oneida Community, an experimental religious society.

- Oneida Ltd. has a global presence, with offices and factories around the world.

- The Oneida Foundation is a charitable organization that supports a variety of causes related to education, health, and the arts.



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