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polje是什么意思 polje的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-30 15:08:16
  • 65

polje是什么意思 polje的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性和含义:1,我们需要知道'polje'是一个名词,指的是在喀山和巴尔干半岛地区产生的平原或盆地。它通常由岩石或石灰岩层构成,具有典型的漏斗形状。


- This region is characterized by several large poljes surrounded by high mountains.

- The polje is an important agricultural area in this country.

2. 地理特征:由于'polje'通常存在于喀山和巴尔干半岛地区,因此它可以作为这些地区的标志性地理特征。这些地区的气候、土壤和植被等因素也会受到'polje'的影响。


- The karst landscape of the Balkans features numerous poljes and sinkholes.

- The polje is the largest geological feature in this part of the country.

3. 农业和经济:由于'polje'通常具有肥沃的土壤和充足的水源,因此它是许多地区重要的农业和经济资源。


- The polje is the main source of agricultural production in this region.

- The government is investing in irrigation projects to support the polje's farmers.

4. 文化和历史:'polje'是某些文化和历史遗产的一部分,如喀山地区的布尔干德卡坑、克罗地亚的贝里察林卡和斯洛文尼亚的维希察。


- The polje has played an important role in the history and mythology of this region.

- Visitors to this area can explore the ancient ruins and cultural artifacts found in and around the polje.

5. 生态保护:由于'polje'的地质和生态特征,它们通常是生态保护区或自然保护区的一部分。


- The polje has been designated as a protected area due to its unique biodiversity.

- Environmentalists are working to preserve the polje's fragile ecosystem for future generations.



1. This region is characterized by several large poljes surrounded by high mountains. 这个地区以几个被高山所包围的大型平原为特征。

2. The polje is the largest geological feature in this part of the country. 这个平原是这个国家这一地区最大的地质特征。

3. The government is investing in irrigation projects to support the polje's farmers. 正在投资灌溉项目以支持这片平原的农民。

4. The polje has played an important role in the history and mythology of this region. 这个平原在这个地区的历史和神话中扮演着重要角色。

5. Environmentalists are working to preserve the polje's fragile ecosystem for future generations. 环保人士正在为了子孙后代而保护这片平原脆弱的生态系统。


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