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plunged是什么意思 plunged的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-01 12:04:19
  • 141

plunged是什么意思 plunged的读音、翻译、用法

词义:plunged 是动词 plunge 的过去式,意为“急速下降、跳入、陷入”。



- plunge into: 跳入、陷入

- plunge down: 急速下降

- take the plunge: 冒险尝试



以下是 7 个相关的中英文翻译例句:

1. The temperature plunged to below zero last night. (昨晚,气温急速下降到零下。)

2. He plunged his hand into the icy water. (他将手伸进冰冷的水中。)

3. The economy has plunged into recession. (经济已经陷入了衰退期。)

4. She took the plunge and quit her job to start her own business. (她冒险辞掉了工作,开始创业。)

5. The stock market plunged after the announcement of new tariffs. (新关税公告后,股市急剧下跌。)

6. The diver plunged into the deep pool. (潜水员跳入深水池中。)

7. As soon as he pressed the on, the elevator plunged down. (他一按按钮,电梯就急速下降了。)


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