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blaring是什么意思 blaring的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-20 13:15:47
  • 614

blaring是什么意思 blaring的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义:'blaring'意为大声喊叫或者大声播放音乐或声音。

2. 词性:'blaring'为动词, 表示现在分词的形式。

3. 同义词:shouting, yelling, screaming, booming, roaring

4. 反义词:whispering, murmuring, muttering, speaking softly, whispering

5. 例句:

- The music was blaring so loudly that I couldn't concentrate on my work. (音乐的声音太大了。)

- The teacher was blaring at the students for not paying attention in class. (老师大声训斥学生没有在课堂上集中精力。)

- The truck driver was blaring his horn to warn the pedestrians. (卡车司机一直按着喇叭来警告行人。)

- The announcement was blaring over the loudspeaker in the airport. (在里广播的声音很大。)

- The alarm clock was blaring so loudly that I had to cover my ears. (闹钟响得很大,我不得不捂住耳朵。)


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