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senpai是什么意思 senpai的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-17 02:45:09
  • 741

senpai是什么意思 senpai的读音、翻译、用法


1. 定义:"Senpai" 是日语中用来称呼比自己资历更长、经验更丰富的前辈的词汇。通常用于学校、社交和专业领域。在动漫和游戏文化中也非常流行。

2. 发音:/sen-pie/,其中"sen"的发音类似于"send",而"pai"的发音类似于"pie"。

3. 起源:"Senpai" 这个词汇起源于日本的学生文化,早期用来称呼学长或者学姐。随着时间的推移,这个词汇也被广泛应用到各种场合中。

4. 意义:"Senpai"的意义类似于英语中的"mentor"或者"teacher"。它不仅仅是一种尊称,还传递了对前辈的敬意和感激之情。在商业和社交领域,"senpai"也表示了对行业前辈的尊敬和依赖。

5. 应用:"Senpai" 在日本文化中非常普遍,但随着动漫和游戏文化的传播,这个词汇也越来越受到全球粉丝的喜爱。除了在学校和专业领域中使用,"senpai" 还用于形容喜欢自己的前辈或者角色。


1. I have a senpai at work who has been very supportive and helpful in teaching me the ropes of the job.

2. In anime and manga, the senpai-kohai relationship is very popular and often serves as a plot point for developing characters.

3. When I joined the martial arts club, my senpai immediately took me under his wing and helped me improve my technique.

4. In Japanese business culture, it is important to show respect to your senpai and follow their lead.

5. My favorite anime character is a senpai figure who always seems to know just what to do and is always there for his kohai.


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