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enhardir是什么意思 enhardir的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-08 13:14:55
  • 54

enhardir是什么意思 enhardir的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性:enhardir是一个动词,表示使勇敢或振奋。


- Les encouragements de sa famille ont enhardi l'enfant à participer au concours. (The encouragement from his family emboldened the child to partite in the competition.)

- Il est important d'enhardir les personnes qui manquent de confiance en eux. (It's important to embolden people who lack self-confidence.)

2. 同义词:鼓励、激励、振奋、壮胆


- Le discours du coach a encouragé les joueurs à se donner à fond sur le terrain. (The coach's speech encouraged the players to give it their all on the field.)

- La musique forte a eu l'effet de les enhardir pour faire face à la foule. (The loud music had the effect of emboldening them to face the crowd.)

3. 反义词:décourager(使失去勇气)


- Les critiques constantes de son patron ont fini par le décourager. (The constant criticism from his boss eventually discouraged him.)

- Il ne faut pas laisser les échecs vous décourager. (Don't let failures discourage you.)

4. 词源:enhardir来自古法语的enhardir,意为"变得勇敢或坚定",由en("变得")和hardi("勇敢")组成。

5. 用法:enhardir通常与名词、代词或不定式连用,用于表示鼓励或壮胆某人做某事。


- La promesse de récompense a enhardi les travailleurs à travailler plus dur. (The promise of a reward emboldened the workers to work harder.)

- Je me suis senti enhardi par le soutien de mes amis pour faire face à la situation difficile. (I felt emboldened by the support of my friends to face the difficult situation.)


1. Part of speech: Enhardir is a verb that means to embolden or encourage.

Example sentences:

- The encouragement from his family emboldened the child to partite in the competition.

- It's important to embolden people who lack self-confidence.

2. Synonyms: encourage, inspire, invigorate, embolden

Example sentences:

- The coach's speech encouraged the players to give it their all on the field.

- The loud music had the effect of emboldening them to face the crowd.

3. Antonyms: discourage

Example sentences:

- The constant criticism from his boss eventually discouraged him.

- Don't let failures discourage you.

4. Etymology: Enhardir comes from Old French enhardir, meaning "to become brave or resolute," from en ("to become") and hardi ("brave").

5. Usage: Enhardir is often used with nouns, ouns, or infinitives to indicate encouraging or emboldening someone to do something.

Example sentences:

- The promise of a reward emboldened the workers to work harder.

- I felt emboldened by the support of my friends to face the difficult situation.


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