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cured是什么意思 cured的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-02 12:53:00
  • 637

cured是什么意思 cured的读音、翻译、用法

1. 意义:Cured是一个形容词,意为“被治愈的;已痊愈的”;通常是指疾病、感染等医学上的状况经过治疗后得到康复。1,Cured还可以指食品处理过程中的腌制或烟熏等,使其更加美味并延长保质期。


- The patient has been cured of the disease and can now go home.

- He was cured of his addiction to drugs after undergoing rehab.

- The meat has been cured with salt and spices to make it flavorful and preserve it.

2. 常用短语:Cured也可以作为某些缩写词的一部分来表示不同的意思,如“CURED(Controlling Urban Runoff through Ecological Design)”表示通过生态设计控制城市径流;“CURE(Clean Up the River Environment)”表示净化河流环境。


- The CURED project aims to reduce runoff and improve water quality in the city.

- Volunteers came together to partite in the CURE campaign and clean up the river.

3. 文化背景:在英国的文化里,Cured通常指烟熏肉类食品,如熏鲑鱼、熏火腿等,是一种受欢迎的美食。


- The cured salmon is a classic dish that is perfect for any occasion.

- The breakfast menu includes sliced cured ham with eggs and toast.


- The medicines have cured his illness and he is feeling much better.

- The doctor assured him that the disease can be cured with proper treatment.

- Cured meat and cheese are popular appetizers in many European countries.

- The chef gave us a taste of the cured salmon he had been working on for days.

- The CURE organization has been actively raising awareness about environmental issues.


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