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frequen是什么意思 frequen的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-11 03:26:05
  • 249

frequen是什么意思 frequen的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性及基本含义:frequen是一个形容词,意为“频繁的、经常的”。


1) His frequent absences from work have caused problems for his colleagues. (他经常旷工,给同事们带来了麻烦。)

2) I have a frequent need for caffeine in the morning. (我早上经常需要。)

3) The frequent occurrence of earthquakes is a cause for concern in this area. (地震的频繁发生在这个地区引起了人们的担忧。)

4) The frequent flyers program rewards regular customers with discounts and upgrades. (的常旅客计划为常客提供折扣和升级服务。)

5) The frequent power outages in this area can be very frustrating. (这个地区频繁的停电让人非常烦恼。)

2. 搭配及常见用法:frequent常与以下名词搭配使用,如frequent trips, frequent visits, frequent communication等。


1) He makes frequent trips to New York for business. (他经常因公务去纽约。)

2) They maintain frequent communication with each other even though they live in different time zones. (虽然他们身处不同的时区,但他们经常保持联系。)

3) She pays frequent visits to her elderly mother who lives alone. (她经常去看望独居的亲。)

4) The restaurant is popular among locals for its frequent live music performances. (这家餐厅因经常有现场音乐表演而受到当地人的欢迎。)

5) The company's frequent use of social media has increased its visibility and customer base. (公司频繁使用社交媒体已经提高了公司的知名度和客户基础。)

3. 同义词及反义词:与frequent意思相近的单词包括常用的words like regular, habitual, constant等等。与frequent意思相反的单词是infrequent, 意思是“不经常的、罕见的”。


1) He has a regular exercise routine that he does every morning. (他每天早上都有固定的锻炼计划。)

2) Her habitual lateness is starting to annoy her colleagues. (她经常迟到,开始让她的同事感到不满。)

3) The constant noise from construction work outside has been disrupting our sleep. (外面建筑工作的不停噪音一直打扰着我们的睡眠。)

4) The infrequent rainfall in this area has caused a drought. (这个地区的降雨量很少,导致出现了干旱。)

5) The unusual plant species found in this forest are a result of its infrequent human distce. (这片森林中发现的非常规的植物物种是由于人类干扰不频繁造成的。)

4. 意义延伸及常见误用:有时frequent会用来表示“访问、逛、去”的意思,但这是不正确的用法,应该使用visit、go或者stop by等。


1) We went to the museum and spent a few hours there. (我们去了博物馆,在那里呆了几个小时。)

2) She stopped by my office to chat for a few minutes. (她过来我办公室跟我聊了几分钟。)

3) He visits his family every holiday season. (他每个假期季节都会去看望他的家人。)

4) They'll be going to the beach for a week this summer. (他们这个夏天会去海滩一个星期。)

5) I usually stop at the coffee shop on my way to work. (我通常在去上班的路上到咖啡店。)


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