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lank是什么意思 lank的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-05 00:58:37
  • 468

lank是什么意思 lank的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词义和用法:lank 是一个形容词,意思是瘦长的,瘦削的。通常用来描述人或动物的体型。该词可以用来形容运动员或者植物的生长状态,也可以用于形容某个事物的形状或结构。


- She was tall and lank, with long limbs that looked almost ungraceful.(她身材高大瘦削,四肢修长却看起来有点不协调。)

- The lank branches of the apple tree were bending under the weight of the fruit.(苹果树的瘦削分支正因果实的重量而扭曲。)

- The football player was lank and thin in his early days, but he worked hard to build up his strength.(这位足球运动员年轻时身材瘦长,但他努力锻炼以增强体力。)

2. 同义词和反义词:lank 的同义词包括 thin, lean, skinny 等,而它的反义词则是 overweight, chubby, plump 等。


- He used to be lank and thin, but now he has gained some weight and looks healthier.(他过去很瘦削,但现在已经增重了,看起来更健康了。)

- She is not overweight, but she is not lank either. She has a healthy, toned body.(她不是超重,但也不是很瘦削,她有着健康、结实的身体。)

- The cat was so lank and skinny that you could see its ribs sticking out.(这只猫太瘦削了,你可以看到它的肋骨突出。)

3. 衍生词和相关词汇:从 lank 这个词根衍生出来的单词有 lankness(瘦长),lankily(瘦削地),lankiness(瘦削的状态)。与 lank 相关的词汇包括 lanky(细高个的,瘦长的)、gaunt(憔悴的,瘦削的)、spindly(细长的,纤弱的)等。


- His lankness made him stand out in the crowd, but he didn't mind.(他的瘦长使他在人群中很显眼,但他不介意。)

- The lanky basketball player towered over his opponents and could easily dunk the ball.(那个瘦长的篮球运动员高居他的对手之上,轻松地将球扣进篮筐。)

- The gaunt man looked like he hadn't eaten in days, and his clothes hung off his bony frame.(那个憔悴的男人看起来好像已经几天没有吃东西了,他的衣服在他骨瘦如柴的身体上晃来晃去。)

4. 词源和拼写:lank 这个词源于古英语的 hlanc,意为“延伸、扩展”。它的拼写比较简单,只有 5 个字母,没有拼写上的困难。


- Sometimes I forget how to spell lank, but it's not a very difficult word.(有时候我会忘记怎么拼写 lank 这个单词,但这不是一个特别难的词。)

- The word lank has an interesting history that dates back to Old English.(lank 这个单词有一个有趣的历史,可以追溯到古英语时期。)

5. 文化和语用:lank 这个单词并没有太多的文化或语用方面的特殊含义,但是在文学作品或者口语中仍然经常被使用。在某些场合下,lank 可能会被视为一个形容词的俚语或者口语用法,因此需要注意使用的场合和语境。


- The old cowboy had long, lank hair that he tied back with a leather thong.(那个老牛仔有着长长的,瘦削的头发,他用皮革绑带将它束起来。)

- She always wore her lank brown hair in a messy bun and looked like she didn't care about her appearance.(她总是把她瘦削的棕色头发盘成一个凌乱的髻,看起来好像并不在意自己的外貌。)


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