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vivavoce是什么意思 vivavoce的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-17 02:01:51
  • 272

vivavoce是什么意思 vivavoce的读音、翻译、用法

词义:vivavoce 是拉丁语,意为“口头的”,通常用于表示口头议论、口头考试或口试。






1. In the vivavoce examination, the students are required to give answers orally.(在口试考试中,学生需要口头回答问题。)

2. The professor conducted a vivavoce discussion on the topic of modern art.(教授主持了一场关于现代艺术的口头讨论。)

3. His vivavoce was impressive and he managed to convince the panel.(他的口头表达很出色,成功说服了评审委员会。)

4. The vivavoce test was challenging, but I am glad I passed!(口试测试很有挑战性,很高兴我通过了!)

5. The vivavoce section of the exam was the most nerve-wracking part for me.(考试中的口试部分对我来说是最让人紧张的部分。)

6. During the vivavoce, the candidate had to defend his thesis in front of a panel of experts.(在口头答辩中,候选人需要在专家组面前为自己的论文辩护。)

7. The vivavoce requirement for the job was unexpected, but I prepared for it and landed the position!(这个职位对口试的要求让我意料之外,为之做好了准备,最终成功入职!)


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