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5p是什么意思 5p的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-29 14:23:28
  • 646

5p是什么意思 5p的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义:'5p'是指英国五便士硬币的简称。它是英国货币体系中比1便士和2便士硬币要小但比10便士硬币要大的硬币。


- I found a 5p coin on the pavement.

- The vending machine only accepts 5p and 10p coins.

- The children collected 25 5p coins to donate to charity.

- He put a handful of 5p coins into the parking meter.

2. 使用场景:'5p'可以用于购买小额物品或作为找零,例如购买糖果、报纸、车票等。有些商家也会将多个5p硬币放在一个小塑料袋里,方便客人买单找零。


- I used a 5p coin to buy a piece of gum from the corner shop.

- The newspaper costs 70p, do you have any 5p coins?

- Susan paid for her bus fare with a handful of 5p and 10p coins.

- The cashier gave me 2 5p coins and a 2p coin as change.

3. 单位换算:5p等于0.05英镑,是英国货币体系中最小的硬币单位之一。换算时,可以将5p乘以相应的汇率,转换为其他货币单位。


- The ice cream costs 1.50 pounds, which is equivalent to 30 5p coins.

- She exchanged 100 euros at a rate of 8.15, which is equivalent to 815 5p coins.

- The hotel charges 10 dollars per night for parking, which is about 56 5p coins.

4. 历史背景:5p硬币是在1968年首次发行的,当时的设计是在一颗玫瑰花和一条路上刻上数字'5'。此后,5p硬币的设计多次更换,包括在货币底部刻上女王头像、使用不同的材料等。


- My grandfather gave me a 5p coin from the 1970s as a souvenir.

- This year marks the 50th anniversary of the 5p coin.

- The new 5p coins feature a portrait of Sir Winston Churchill on the back.


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