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fow是什么意思 fow的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-12 02:20:27
  • 215

fow是什么意思 fow的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词义及用法:

'fow' 可以是一个缩写词,表示 “Fleet of Worlds”, 是一本科幻小说的系列名,意为“为乳牛喂食的饲料”,通常是饲料和粮食的混合物。


- The 'fow' was made up of hay, cornmeal, and other grains.

- The farmer brought out a load of 'fow' to feed the cows.

2. 音标及发音:

'fow' 的音标为 /faʊ/。在发音时,口型要放松,嘴巴半开,发出明亮而短促的 /f/,接着是卷舌发音的/ɑʊ/。

3. 同音异义词:

'fow' 的同音异义词有很多,比如 foul(犯规),fowl(禽鸟),four(四),flower(花朵)等等。在口语中,需要根据语境将同音异义词区分开来,避免产生歧义。


- There are many different kinds of 'fowl' on the farm.

- He committed a 'foul' during the basketball game.

4. 引申意义:

'fow' 可以引申为一种名词,表示 “牛饲料的量”;也可以引申为一个形容词,表示 “笨重的”、“臃肿的”。


- The cows need a lot of 'fow' to stay healthy.

- The truck was so 'fow' that it could hardly move.


以上是关于 'fow' 一词的四个方面的解释。需要注意的是,这个词既可以是一个缩写词,也可以是一个单词,具有不同的词义和用法,需要根据语境进行理解和运用。是五个中英例句:

1. The new science fiction novel series 'Fow' is getting a lot of attention from fans.

这个新的科幻小说系列 'Fow' 得到了粉丝们的很多关注。

2. The farmer mixed up a batch of 'fow' and took it out to the cows in the pasture.

农民混合了一批 'fow',拿出去给牧场里的牛喂食。

3. The trucking company had trouble delivering the shipment because of its 'fow' size and weight.


4. The cows were happy to see the farmer bringing them a fresh supply of 'fow'.

牛很高兴看到农民给他们带来新鲜的 'fow'。

5. The chef used a mixture of 'fow' and vegetables to make a hearty soup for the guests.

厨师用 'fow' 和蔬菜混合制作了一锅丰盛的汤,供客人享用。


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