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Fone是什么意思 Fone的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-16 10:10:48
  • 182

Fone是什么意思 Fone的读音、翻译、用法

'Fone' 不是一个标准的、独立的英语单词。它通常是一种缩写或简化形式,代表 'phone' 或 'telephone'。‘Fone’ 的词性为名词,表示电话机或电话。以下是一些常见的 ‘Fone’ 的短语、词组搭配、发音拼写及相关的中英文翻译例句:


1.cell fone:手机

例句:I forgot my cell fone at home.

2.home fone:家庭电话

例句:I need to call my grandparents on the home fone.

3.office fone:办公室电话

例句:You can reach me on my office fone from 9 to 5.

4.smar t fone:智能手机

例句:I can check my emails on my smart fone.


1.pick up the fone:接电话

例句:Can you pick up the fone? I am busy.

2.hang up the fone:挂电话

例句:I had to hang up the fone because I was late for a meeting.

3.on the fone:在电话中

例句:I talked to her on the fone last night.


1. /fəʊn/ (英式英语) 或 /foʊn/ (美式英语)

例句:He speaks with a strange accent when he is on the fone.

2. /fɔn/ 的口语发音

例句:I don't like talking on the fone for too long.


1. 我给他发了一封短信,但他没回复。我打电话也不接。- I sent him a text, but he didn't reply. He's not picking up the fone either.

2. 我的智能手机的屏幕坏了,我需要去修理。- My smart fone's screen is broken, I need to get it repaired.

3. 她一直用家里的电话跟家人联系。- She keeps in touch with her family on the home fone.

4. 我需要联系客户,你能告诉我这个办公室的电话吗?I need to contact a client, can you tell me the office fone number?

5. 他的手机经常没电,所以他常常丢失联系。-His cell fone often dies, so he loses contact often.

6. 我们需要尽快挂电话,因为我们还有很多事要办。- We need to hang up the fone soon, we have a lot to do.

7. 只要我在电话里就紧张得不知道该说什么。- I get nervous and don't know what to say whenever I'm on the fone.


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