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moggio是什么意思 moggio的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-04 14:39:29
  • 43

moggio是什么意思 moggio的读音、翻译、用法


1. Moggio作为地名


- Moggio Udinese is a comune in the Province of Udine, Italy.(摩焦乌迪内塞是意大利乌迪内省的一个市镇。)

- Moggio is a munility in the state of Lombardy in northern Italy. (摩焦是意大利北部伦巴第大区的一个市镇。)

2. Moggio作为缩写词


- MOGGIO之一组件表示“模拟运动”的加速度计输出。

One component of MOGGIO represents the accelerometer output for "simulated motion".

- MOGGIO是一个机器人的研究项目,旨在开发机器人来自动执行任务。

MOGGIO is a research project to develop robots that can autonomously perform tasks.

3. Moggio作为姓氏


- Sara Moggio is a talented musician and composer based in Italy. (Sara Moggio是一位才华横溢的音乐家和作曲家,常驻意大利。)

- Anthony Moggio is an author and journalist from the United States.(Anthony Moggio是来自美国的作家和记者。)


1. Moggio是米兰市郊的一个小村庄。

Moggio is a small village on the outskirts of Milan.

2. 在MOGGIO项目中,我们研究了机器人如何在障碍物中行动。

In the MOGGIO project, we studied how robots can move among obstacles.

3. 摩焦夫人在音乐方面很有才华,她经常表演自己的作品。

Mrs. Moggio is very talented in music and often performs her own compositions.

4. 他的姓名是安东尼·莫乔(Anthony Moggio),是一名新闻记者。

His name is Anthony Moggio, and he is a journalist.

5. 这个加速度计的MOGGIO部件可以测量运动的加速度。

The MOGGIO component of this accelerometer can measure the acceleration of motion.


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