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iron will是什么意思 iron will的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-15 03:34:07
  • 389

iron will是什么意思 iron will的读音、翻译、用法

Iron will是一个常见的词组,用来描述一个人具有坚定的决心和毅力,不会轻易放弃。具体而言,iron will可能体现在以下几个方面:

1. 坚定的信念和目标:拥有iron will的人通常有明确的目标和愿景,并且坚定地朝着这个目标努力,无论遭遇多大的挫折或困难都不会动摇。


- With his iron will, he overcame many obstacles to become a successful entrepreneur. (他凭借着坚定的意志克服了许多困难,成为了一名成功的企业家。)

- She had an iron will to become a doctor, and she worked hard to achieve her dream. (她有成为医生的坚定意志,为此努力奋斗。)

2. 超强的毅力和耐力:具有iron will的人通常具有超强的毅力和耐力,能够在极端的情况下保持冷静和坚定。


- The marathon runner demonstrated his iron will by finishing the race despite a leg injury. (马拉松选手尽管腿部受伤,但他展示了坚定的毅力,完成了比赛。)

- The soldiers showed their iron will and courage by holding their ground against a fierce enemy attack. (士兵表现出坚定的意志和勇气,在强烈的敌军攻击面前坚守阵地。)

3. 不畏艰难险阻:具有iron will的人通常不会害怕面对艰难险阻,而是会积极主动地去应对挑战。


- She had an iron will to climb to the top of the mountain, no matter how difficult it may be. (她有攀登山峰的坚定意志,无论多么困难都会尝试。)

- The team had an iron will to win the championship, and they worked tirelessly to achieve their goal. (这个团队有获得冠军的坚定意志,他们不知疲倦地为达成目标而工作。)

4. 自我约束和纪律性:具有iron will的人通常能够自我约束,严格遵守纪律,以实现自己的目标。


- The successful author had an iron will to write every day, even when he didn't feel like it. (这位成功的作家对自己坚定地要求每天都要写作,即使没有灵感。)

- The athlete had an iron will to stick to his strict diet and training regimen, which helped him achieve great success. (这位运动员有坚定的意志坚持自己的严格饮食和训练计划,这使他取得了巨大的成功。)

5. 追求卓越和完美:具有iron will的人通常不会满足于平庸的成就,而是不断追求卓越和完美。


- The artist had an iron will to create beautiful and meaningful works of art that would inspire others. (这位艺术家有创作美丽而有意义的艺术作品以激励他人的坚定意志。)

- The scientist had an iron will to pursue scientific truth and make groundbreaking discoveries, no matter how long it may take. (这位科学家有坚定的意志去追求科学真理和做出开创性的发现,不管需要多长时间。)

总的说来,iron will是一个用来形容具备高度自律、自我约束、有毅力和决断力的人的表达。提供5个具体中英文例句

1. As the CEO of a large company, he showed his iron will to bring the company back on track after a difficult period. (作为一家大公司的CEO,他展示了自己的坚定意志,在公司遭遇困难时将其带回正轨。)

2. The political leader had an iron will to fight for democracy and human rights, even at great personal risk. (这位领袖有为和而奋斗的坚定意志,即使面临巨大的个人风险也不退缩。)

3. The artist had an iron will to express her unique vision and bring beauty to the world through her art. (这位艺术家有表达她独特的视角和通过艺术为世界带来美的坚定意志。)

4. The student had an iron will to study hard and achieve academic excellence, despite facing many obstacles along the way. (这个学生有通过努力学习取得学业上的卓越成绩的坚定意志,尽管路上有很多障碍。)

5. The athlete had an iron will to train relentlessly and push his physical limits in order to win the gold medal. (这位运动员有坚定的意志去不断训练并挑战身体的极限,以赢取金牌。)


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