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dutchmen是什么意思 dutchmen的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-01 11:23:48
  • 134

dutchmen是什么意思 dutchmen的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词源和含义:'dutchmen'是指荷兰人的复数形式,或是指源自荷兰的物品或事物。其含义可根据上下文而有所区别,包括国籍、文化、语言、美食和旅游等方面。


- He has a lot of Dutchmen in his family tree. (他的家族中有很多荷兰人。)

- The Dutchmen are known for their expertise in water management. (荷兰人以其在水利管理方面的专业知识而闻名。)

- He bought a pair of Dutchmen wooden ss as a souvenir. (他买了一双荷兰木鞋作为纪念品。)

- Amsterdam is a dream destination for many Dutchmen and tourists alike. (阿姆斯特丹是许多荷兰人和游客的梦想目的地。)

- The Dutchmen speak Dutch as their mother tongue. (荷兰人以荷兰语为母语。)

2. 地理和历史:荷兰是欧洲西北部的一个国家,有着悠久的历史和文化。荷兰在过去是一个重要的殖家,曾经统治过东印度群岛和南非等地。


- The Dutchmen have a strong maritime tradition due to their history as a seafaring nation. (荷兰人因为曾经是一个海洋国家而拥有强烈的海事传统。)

- The Dutchmen established the Dutch East India Company in the 17th century. (荷兰人在17世纪建立了荷兰东印度公司。)

- The Dutchmen have reclaimed land from the sea to create polders. (荷兰人从海中开发出了许多固定质量的土地。)

- Many Dutchmen left their homeland to seek a better life in the New World. (许多荷兰人离开祖国,寻求在新上更好的生活。)

- The Dutchmen played an influential role in the development of modern painting, exemplified by Vincent van Gogh. (荷兰人在现代绘画的发展中扮演着重要的角色,如梵高所示。)

3. 文化和生活方式:荷兰人有着独特的文化和生活方式,例如自行车文化、和骑马文化等。


- The Dutchmen love to ride their bikes everywhere they go. (荷兰人喜欢骑自行车去任何地方。)

- The Dutchmen take their coffee very seriously, and it is an important part of their daily routine. (荷兰人非常认真地对待咖啡,它是他们日常生活中的重要组成部分。)

- The Dutchmen have a long tradition of horse riding and equestrian sports. (荷兰人有着悠久的马术传统和文化。)

- The Dutchmen are famous for their cheese, which is a staple of their cuisine. (荷兰人以其奶酪而闻名,这是他们餐饮的主要内容。)

- The Dutchmen celebrate many festivals throughout the year, such as King's Day, Sinterklaas and Carnival. (荷兰人一年中庆祝许多节日,如国王日、圣诞老人节和狂欢节等。)

4. 比喻和引申:'dutchmen'这个词也可以被用作一些比喻性或引申性的意义,例如指缺乏勇气、小气或卑鄙。


- He backed out of the deal at the last minute, proving himself to be a real dutchman. (他在最后一刻退出了交易,证明他是个真正的懦夫。)

- Don't be such a dutchman and split the bill equally. (别这么小气,平分账单。)

- He cheated on his taxes like a dutchman. (他像个阴险卑鄙的人一样逃税。)

- She showed her dutchman side by refusing to help her friend in need. (她拒绝帮助需要帮助的朋友,展现了她的小气面。)

- The coach criticized his team for playing like a bunch of dutchmen. (教练批评他的队员打出了懦弱的比赛。)


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