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ossuaire是什么意思 ossuaire的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-09 01:42:34
  • 879

ossuaire是什么意思 ossuaire的读音、翻译、用法

"Ossuaire" 是来自法语的单词,意为 ”骨灰库” ,通常指放置人类骨灰的地方。它的缩写词是 "OSS",有时也会用于代表一个特定的骨灰库。

以下是对 “ossuaire” 的三个方面的详细讨论:

1. 用途:骨灰库通常用于存放人类骨灰,这些骨灰可以来自火葬、防腐处理后的遗骸、或者是长时间气候和环境的影响下残存下来的骨骼。骨灰库通常会有一个指定的区域来存放骨灰盒,这些骨灰盒可能会被标记或刻上相关信息以便于识别和管理。


- The ossuary contained the remains of hundreds of people who died during the war.


- The ossuary at the church is nearly full and they are considering building a new one.


- The government is planning to relocate the ossuary to a larger facility.


2. 历史背景:骨灰库可以追溯到数百年前,当时瘟疫和战争等灾害带来的死亡人数激增,而且火葬和埋葬成本也逐渐增高。因此,各地开始建立骨灰库来存放大量的遗骸和骨灰,这也成为了一种及时而有效的死亡后处理方法。


- The ossuary at the crypt dates back to the 14th century.


- The ossuary in this village has survived for centuries and is now a tourist attraction.


- The ossuary was first built during the reign of Louis XIV.


3. 地理位置:骨灰库可以位于不同的地方,例如教堂、公墓、或者是专用的骨灰库建筑物。骨灰库的规模和设计也会因地区和用途的不同而有所不同。


- The ossuary is located next to the cemetery.


- Many tourists come to see the famous ossuary in Paris.


- The government is planning to build a new ossuary outside the city to increase capacity.



以上是关于 “ossuaire” 的三个方面的讨论,分别包括用途、历史背景和地理位置。以下是五个中英文例句供参考:

1. The ossuary is full and they are planning to bury the excess ashes in a nearby field.


2. The famous ossuary in Sedlec contains the bones of over 40,000 people.


3. The ossuary building was designed to be simple and functional.


4. The ossuary at the cathedral is one of the largest in the world.


5. The government is considering turning the abandoned church into an ossuary.



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