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fondere是什么意思 fondere的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-25 13:11:56
  • 546

fondere是什么意思 fondere的读音、翻译、用法



1. 缩写词: FDR

2. 全称: Federal Reserve Bank of New York's Discount Rate

3. 定义: 美国纽约联邦储备银行贴现率

4. 应用: 用于衡量美国资金利率市场的状况,是美国货币政策的重要参考指标

5. 相关术语: 联邦基金利率(Federal Funds Rate)、贴现窗口(Discount Window)


1. The FDR is currently at 2.25%, signaling a slightly tighter monetary policy by the Federal Reserve.

翻译:FDR 目前为 2.25%,表明美联储采取了略微紧缩的货币政策。

2. Banks sometimes borrow from the discount window when they are short of funds and the FDR is attractive.

翻译:当银行时,如果 FDR 很有吸引力,它们有时会向贴现窗口借款。

3. Higher FDR rates can lead to higher borrowing costs for individuals and businesses.

翻译:FDR 利率的提高可能会导致个人和企业借款成本的上升。

4. The FDR is set by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and is closely watched by investors and ysts.

翻译:FDR 由纽约联邦储备银行设定,备受投资者和分析师关注。

5. The FDR has a direct impact on the interest rates of many financial products, including credit cards, mortgages, and loans.

翻译:FDR 对许多金融产品的利率产生直接影响,包括信用卡、抵押贷款和贷款。


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