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piltdown是什么意思 piltdown的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-06 02:36:58
  • 63

piltdown是什么意思 piltdown的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词义和历史:'piltdown'指的是英国东南部萨塞克斯郡的一个小村庄的名称,但在学术界和一般语境下,这个词汇是指一项著名的伪造学术研究。在20世纪初期,英国的一些学者为了证明人类的智能和进化是从大脑开始的,伪造了一些化石证据,其中最著名的就是所谓的'piltdown man'人类化石,但实际上这些都是伪造的。


- The piltdown man hoax is one of the most notorious cases of scientific fraud in history. (《自然》杂志)

- Many scientists were fooled by the piltdown man hoax for decades before it was exposed as a fraud. (《科学美国人》杂志)

2. 影响和后果:'piltdown'这个词汇已经成为一个代表或者学术欺诈的术语,对于学者和研究人员来说,这个词汇也提醒我们始终保持检验和严格的学术态度。


- The piltdown scandal has left a lasting legacy of caution and skepticism in the scientific community. (《科学》杂志)

- The piltdown hoax is a cautionary tale for anyone involved in academic research, reminding us to always verify our data and sources. (《学术界》杂志)

3. 文化和语言:'piltdown'这个词汇已经成为了一种文化符号和常见的英语词汇,出现在很多文学作品、影视剧集、游戏等中。在这些语境中,'piltdown'通常代表着欺骗、、虚假等含义。


- The detective realized that the evidence was a piltdown, and that the real criminal was still at large. (小说《》)

- The movie's plot was a total piltdown, with a predictable storyline and wooden acting. (影评网站)


1. The piltdown man hoax is one of the most notorious cases of scientific fraud in history.


2. Many scientists were fooled by the piltdown man hoax for decades before it was exposed as a fraud.


3. The piltdown scandal has left a lasting legacy of caution and skepticism in the scientific community.


4. The piltdown hoax is a cautionary tale for anyone involved in academic research, reminding us to always verify our data and sources.


5. The movie's plot was a total piltdown, with a predictable storyline and wooden acting.



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