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xxss是什么意思 xxss的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-26 14:24:58
  • 192

xxss是什么意思 xxss的读音、翻译、用法

1. 含义:xxss一般指“小心思式审讯”,是指警方在审讯嫌疑犯时采用的一种软性的、心理上的手段,以达到逼供的目的。


- The police used xxss to try and get the suspect to confess to the crime. (警方采用小心思式审讯来试图让嫌疑人认罪。)

- The use of xxss is highly controversial in some countries. (在某些国家,采用小心思式审讯是极具争议的。)

2. 权利保障:由于xxss的主要目的是逼供,因此会对嫌疑人的权利保障产生影响,特别是对其陈述自白的真实性产生质疑。


- The use of xxss is a violation of human rights. (采用小心思式审讯是对的侵犯。)

- The defense lawyer argued that the confession was obtained through xxss and should not be admissible in court. (辩护律师认为这份自白是通过小心思式审讯得来的,不应该被法院采纳。)

3. 犯罪心理学:xxss是一种犯罪心理学研究中常用的方法,通过控制嫌疑人的心理和行为,以获取更多有关案件的信息。


- The detective used xxss to gain the suspect's trust and eventually got him to reveal the location of the stolen goods. (侦探采用小心思式审讯来赢得嫌疑人的信任,最终得知了被盗物品的藏匿地点。)

- The study of xxss has led to a better understanding of how criminals think and act. (对小心思式审讯的研究使人们更好地理解罪犯的思维和行为。)

4. 道德问题:由于xxss的手段是通过控制嫌疑人的心理来达到目的,因此有人认为这是不道德的,也可能会导致错误的认罪。


- Some people argue that the use of xxss is unethical and goes against principles of justice. (有人认为采用小心思式审讯不道德,违背了正义原则。)

- There have been cases where xxss has led to false confessions and convictions. (有些案件中,小心思式审讯导致了错误的自白和定罪。)

5. 法律规定:许多国家对于警方采用xxss的方式具有严格的法律规定,以保障被审讯人的权利和避免滥用权力。


- The use of xxss is strictly prohibited by law in many countries. (在许多国家,法律严禁采用小心思式审讯。)

- The police must follow strict guidelines when using xxss in order to avoid violating the suspect's rights. (警方在采用小心思式审讯时必须遵循严格的指导方针,以避免侵犯嫌疑人的权利。)


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