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bary是什么意思 bary的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-24 13:40:44
  • 770

bary是什么意思 bary的读音、翻译、用法


1. 'bary'的定义:'bary'可以是'barium'的缩写,表示元素钡;也可以是'bar-ylon'的缩写,表示巴勒斯坦的亚述语名称。

2. 'bary'的用途:'bary'可以在科学、化学、地理等领域中使用,用来指代元素钡或巴勒斯坦的亚述语名称。

3. 'bary'的发音:'bary'的发音为/'beri/。

4. 'bary'的派生词:'baryonic'表示有据的、重子的;'barycenter'表示质心,是指太阳系中所有天体的力学中心;'baryon number'表示重子数,即核子数-反核子数。

5. 'bary'的应用实例:


1. 钡是一种常见的化学元素,符号为Ba。

2. 巴勒斯坦在亚述语中的名称为巴勒隆。


1. Barium sulfate is an important inorganic chemical with many applications, including its use as a contrasting agent in X-ray imaging.

2. The Assyrian name for Palestine was Bār-Ṣalībā.

3. Baryonic matter is the type of matter that makes up the universe, including protons, neutrons, and other heavy particles.

4. The barycenter of the solar system is located at the center of mass of the system, which is determined by the positions and m of all the planets and other objects.

5. The baryon number is one of the fundamental conservation laws in the universe, requiring that the total number of baryons (protons and neutrons) minus the number of antibaryons (antiprotons and antineutrons) be conserved in all interactions.


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