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scalpel是什么意思 scalpel的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-20 10:59:33
  • 906

scalpel是什么意思 scalpel的读音、翻译、用法




- surgical scalpel:外科手术刀

- disposable scalpel:一次性手术刀

- blade of a scalpel:手术刀片

- to wield a scalpel:使用手术刀

- to sharpen a scalpel:磨刀

- to make an incision with a scalpel:用手术刀切开



1. The surgeon picked up his scalpel and made a small incision in the patient's abdomen.(外科医生拿起手术刀,在病人的腹部切了一个小口子。)

2. The disposable scalpel is a single-use instrument that is discarded after use.(一次性手术刀是一次性使用的器具,使用后就要丢弃。)

3. After sharpening the scalpel, the surgeon made a precise cut along the patient's arm.(磨利了手术刀后,外科医生沿着病人的胳膊做了一个精确的切口。)

4. The blade of the scalpel was so sharp that it cut through the tissue with ease.(手术刀片非常锋利,轻松切穿了组织。)

5. The nurse handed the surgeon a scalpel and he began to make the first incision.(护士递给外科医生一把手术刀,他开始做第一个切口。)

6. The surgeon learned how to wield a scalpel during his medical training.(外科医生在医学培训中学会了如何使用手术刀。)

7. The precision of the scalpel allowed the surgeon to remove the tumor without damaging surrounding tissue.(手术刀的精准性使外科医生能够在不损伤周围组织的情况下切除肿瘤。)


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