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face shield是什么意思 face shield的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-21 11:19:11
  • 253

face shield是什么意思 face shield的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义:'face shield'指的是一种面部保护器,通常由透明塑料制成,用于保护眼睛、鼻子和口部,有效防止液体、物体、尘埃和化学剂对面部的伤害。

2. 功能:'face shield'的作用是提供更全面的面部保护,远离飞溅物和其它染物。

3. 用途:'face shield'可用于医疗保护、工业保护以及户外活动中的眼部防护等多个领域。

4. 特点:'face shield'相较于普通面罩具有更大的可见范围,能够有效减少眼睛的视觉障碍。

5. 注意事项:使用'face shield'时需要注意清洁,避免表面的染影响面部保护效果。


1. The nurse put on a 'face shield' to protect herself from the patient's saliva.

2. Workers in the chemical factory wear 'face shields' to prevent chemical splashes from injuring their faces.

3. The cyclist put on a 'face shield' to protect his eyes from the strong wind and dust.

4. Teachers in some countries are required to wear 'face shields' while teaching to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases.

5. The medical staff reminded the patient to wear a 'face shield' before entering the operating room to minimize the risk of infection.


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