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easy going是什么意思 easy going的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-10 01:20:20
  • 851

easy going是什么意思 easy going的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词释

Easy going是一个形容词短语,表示柔和、悠闲、随和的。它用来形容一个人的性格或者一种氛围,通常是指那种不容易受到压力、不容易发怒、不拘小节、不挑剔的态度。

2. 常见用法

Easy going常常被用来形容一个人的性格,例如:She's easy going and always has a smile on her face.(她性格随和,总是面带微笑。)1,它也可以形容一种氛围,例如:The party we went to last night was really easy going.(我们昨晚去的派对氛围很随和。)在商务场合中,easy going也可以用来形容一种商业合作、谈判的气氛,例如:The negotiations were easy-going and both sides were satisfied with the results.(谈判过程很顺利,双方都对结果感到满意。)

3. 同义词替换

Easy going的同义词有:relaxed、laid-back、mellow、unhurried、calm等。它们都描述了一种轻松自在、不紧张的状态或者拥有这种状态的人。


1. She's so easy going, she won't mind if we're a little late for dinner.(她性格非常随和,我们稍微晚点去见她晚餐也不会介意。)

2. The atmosphere in the office was very easy going, people were chatting and laughing all the time.(办公室的气氛非常随和,人们一直在聊天和开笑。)

3. I find it easier to work with people who are easy going, there's less stress and tension. (我觉得和随和的人一起工作更容易,没有那么多压力和紧张。)

4. His easy going attitude towards life is what makes him so likeable.(他平和的生活态度使得他很受人喜欢。)

5. The negotiations were so easy going, it was like we were talking to old friends.(谈判过程很轻松自如,就像是在和老朋友交谈一样。)


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