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ator是什么意思 ator的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-14 13:26:41
  • 70

ator是什么意思 ator的读音、翻译、用法

1. 意义:ator通常用作后缀,表示一个人或一种事物的特定职业或身份。也可以作为缩写词,代表另一个长词或短语。


- Actor(演员)is a person who performs on stage or in films.

- Narrator(叙述者)is a person who tells a story or narrates a piece of literature.

- Terminator(终结者)is a sci-fi movie which features a robot that was designed to kill.

- Data aggregator(数据聚合器)is a tool that collects and organizes large volumes of data from multiple sources.

- Innovator(创新者)is someone who creates new ideas or concepts and brings them to life.

2. 正确拼写:ator这个后缀仅在英语中出现在少数词汇中,因此学生需要掌握正确的拼写方式。


- Elevator(电梯)is spelled with an "e" after the "v".

- Navigator(导航仪)has an "i" between the "g" and "a".

- Animator(动画师)has "n" after "a".

- Commentator(评论员)has an "m" between the "n" and "t".

- Educator(教育家)uses a "c" instead of a "k".

3. 单复数形式:ator后缀通常在单数和复数形式中都保持不变,但也有例外。


- Mentor(导师)and mentors are both correct.

- Investor(投资者)and investors are both correct.

- Creator(创作者)and creators are both correct.

- Spectator(观众)is the same in both singular and plural form.

- Gladiators(角斗士)is an exception where the "a" turns to "o" in plural form.

4. 语法:ator后缀可以用作名词、形容词或动词的一部分。在句子中使用时,需要根据语法要求进行正确的修饰。


- The commentator(评论员)criticized the team's performance during the football game.

- The floor was slippery due to the cleaning agent(清洁剂)used by the janitor.

- The innovating(创新)company was able to create a new market for its products.

- The terminator(终结者)will stop at nothing to complete his mission.

- The accelerator()caused the car to move faster.

5. 衍生词汇:ator后缀可以与其他前缀或后缀组合,形成新的词汇,扩大学生的词汇量。


- Radiator(散热器)- A device that emits heat, often used in a car or home heating system.

- Collaborator(合作者)- A person who works with others to achieve a common goal.

- Annihilator(毁灭者)- A person or thing that completely destroys something.

- Calculator(计算器)- A device used for mathematical calculations.

- Indecisive(犹豫不决的)- A person who finds it difficult to make decisions.


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