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grotesco是什么意思 grotesco的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-17 08:11:58
  • 383

grotesco是什么意思 grotesco的读音、翻译、用法


Grotesco 一词可以被解释为“怪诞的、反常的、怪异的”,它的含义可以从以下三个方面来解释:

1. 艺术风格

Grotesco 可以用来形容一种艺术风格,指的是将美学与荒诞融合的一种风格。这种风格通常体现出一种怪异、怪诞、甚至是荒诞的特点。


- The decorations on the wall are inspired by the grotesco art style.

- The play combined grotesco humor with political satire.

- The building's architecture is known for its grotesco aesthetic.

2. 符号表达

Grotesco 还可以用来表示一种符号,它通常被用来代表一些故事、神话或传说中的怪异形象。


- In ancient mythology, the minotaur was often portrayed in the grotesco style.

- The grotesco image of the devil is often used in horror films.

- The ancient sculptures of grotesco creatures are on display at the museum.

3. 字体排印

Grotesco 还可以指代一种字体排印风格,它通常用于商业广告、印刷品、杂志、报纸等出版物中。这种排印风格通常很简单,没有装饰,而且字母之间的间距很宽。


- The magazine cover was designed with a classic Grotesco font.

- The company's website uses a modern grotesco font for its logo.

- The newspaper headlines are usually printed in a bold grotesco font.


- The grotesco decorations on the walls made the room feel spooky. (房间里怪异的墙饰让人感觉很阴森。)

- The new movie combines grotesco humor with suspenseful scenes.(这部新电影融合了荒诞幽默和紧张的情节。)

- The tattoo artist specializes in grotesco designs that are both unique and creative.(这位纹身艺术家擅长于创作独特、富有创意的荒诞图案。)

- The poster was designed with a bold, modern grotesco font.(这张海报使用了粗体的、现代化的 grotesco 字体。)

- The cartoon series features a cast of grotesco creatures that kids love.(这个卡通系列剧集中有一群荒诞怪兽,很受孩子们的喜欢。)


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