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unamuno是什么意思 unamuno的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-10 13:39:50
  • 133

unamuno是什么意思 unamuno的读音、翻译、用法

Unamuno是一个西班牙姓氏,也是著名的西班牙作家米格尔·德·乌纳蒙诺(Miguel de Unamuno)的姓氏。






1. Miguel de Unamuno 是20世纪西班牙著名的哲学家、作家、评论家、教育家,他的思想成为了西班牙文化的重要组成部分。

(Miguel de Unamuno was a famous philosopher, writer, critic, and educator in Spain in the 20th century, and his ideas became an important part of Spanish culture.)

2. Unamuno 社区是阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的一个地方,有很多博物馆和历史建筑。

(Unamuno neighborhood is a place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with many museums and historic buildings.)

3. Unamuno 是巴斯克地区一个非常普遍的姓氏。

(Unamuno is a very common surname in the Basque Country.)

4. 乌纳蒙诺在他的著作中强调了思想自由的重要性。

(Unamuno stressed the importance of intellectual in his works.)

5. 乌纳蒙诺的作品涵盖了多种题材,包括小说、诗歌、评论、哲学等。

(Unamuno's works cover a variety of subjects, including novels, poetry, criticism, philosophy, etc.)

6. 乌纳蒙诺与其他西班牙知识分子一起支持民族独立和自由的运动。

(Unamuno supported the movement for national independence and along with other Spanish intellectuals.)

7. Unamuno 的思想影响了许多西班牙作家和艺术家,包括巴勃罗•毕卡索。

(Unamuno's ideas have influenced many Spanish writers and artists, including Pablo Picasso.)


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