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moskowitz是什么意思 moskowitz的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-02-28 03:16:47
  • 85

moskowitz是什么意思 moskowitz的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:So i decided instead, i would talk about someone who i think has done as much to make Americans happy as perhaps anyone over the last 20 years, a man who is a great personal hero of mine: someone by the name of Howard Moskowitz, who is most famous for reinventing spaghetti sauce.

翻译:因此我决定,我要谈一个人 我认为在过去的二十年里,他为了让美国人快乐 付出了比任何人都多的努力。他是我个人崇敬的一个伟大英雄。他的名字是霍华德·莫斯科维茨, 一个以重新发明了意粉酱而闻名的人。



例句:And for that, as well, we owe Howard Moskowitz a huge vote of thanks.




例句:That is the final, and i think most beautiful lesson, of Howard Moskowitz: that in embracing the diversity of human beings, we will find a surer way to true happiness.

翻译:这就是我认为霍华德·莫斯科维茨给我们的最后的,也是最美的启示。那就是接受人类的多样性, 我们就能找到一条确实通往真正快乐的途径。



例句:Mo Moskowitz. He had a coronary.

翻译:再多一点 他有冠状动脉的疾病。





1. That is the final, and i think most beautiful lesson, of Howard Moskowitz: that in embracing the diversity of human beings, we will find a surer way to true happiness.

翻译:这就是我认为霍华德·莫斯科维茨给我们的最后的,也是最美的启示。那就是接受人类的多样性, 我们就能找到一条确实通往真正快乐的途径。

2. Mo Moskowitz. He had a coronary.

翻译:再多一点 他有冠状动脉的疾病。

3. And for that, as well, we owe Howard Moskowitz a huge vote of thanks.


4. That is the final, and i think most beautiful lesson, of Howard Moskowitz: that in embracing the diversity of human beings, we will find a surer way to true happiness.

翻译:这就是我认为霍华德·莫斯科维茨给我们的最后的,也是最美的启示。那就是接受人类的多样性, 我们就能找到一条确实通往真正快乐的途径。

5. They're veterans... sergeant Vilmar Brazas, specialist Douglas Kessler, staff sergeant Vincent Morgado, corporals Joel Moskowitz, and Caleb Witsman.

翻译:他们都是退伍 这是Vilmar Brazas中士 Douglas Kessler特种官兵 Vincent Morgado上士 Joel Moskowitz下士 还有Caleb Witsman下士。

6. And finally, he had a breakthrough. Vlasic Pickles came to him, and they said, "Mr. Moskowitz -- Doctor Moskowitz -- we want to make the perfect pickle." And he said, "There is no perfect pickle; there are only perfect pickles."

翻译:终于,他有了一个突破。Vlasic Pickles 公司的人找到他, 他们说:“莫斯科维茨先生… 莫斯科维茨博士, 我们想要研制一种完美的酱菜。” 而他说: “世上没有一种最完美的酱菜,只有许多种完美的酱菜。”。

7. What Howard Moskowitz was doing was saying, "This same revolution needs to happen in the world of tomato sauce."

翻译:霍华德所做的,是在呼吁番茄酱领域 也需要同样的革新。

8. So i decided instead, i would talk about someone who i think has done as much to make Americans happy as perhaps anyone over the last 20 years, a man who is a great personal hero of mine: someone by the name of Howard Moskowitz, who is most famous for reinventing spaghetti sauce.

翻译:因此我决定,我要谈一个人 我认为在过去的二十年里,他为了让美国人快乐 付出了比任何人都多的努力。他是我个人崇敬的一个伟大英雄。他的名字是霍华德·莫斯科维茨, 一个以重新发明了意粉酱而闻名的人。

9. What Howard Moskowitz was doing was saying, this same revolution needs to happen in the world of tomato sauce.

翻译:霍华德所做的,是在呼吁番茄酱领域 也需要同样的革新。

10. Vlasic Pickles came to him, and they said, "Doctor Moskowitz, we want to make the perfect pickle."

翻译:他们说:“莫斯科维茨先生… 莫斯科维茨博士。


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