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hip hop是什么意思 hip hop的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-11 09:14:17
  • 70

hip hop是什么意思 hip hop的读音、翻译、用法

'hip hop'这个词语来源于美国英语,意为一种流行于城市的音乐文化,包括音乐、舞蹈、时尚和语言等方面。它一般被称为嘻哈文化,其中的音乐类别也被称为嘻哈音乐。



以下是9个含有 'hip hop' 的例句:

1. Hip hop is a cultural movement that began in the Bronx, New York City, in the late 1970s.(嘻哈是一种文化运动,始于上世纪70年代末的纽约市布朗克斯区。)

2. I love listening to hip hop music because it has a great beat.(我喜欢听嘻哈音乐,因为它节奏感强。)

3. Hip hop dance is a popular style that originated from street dancing.(嘻哈舞蹈是一种源自街舞的流行风格。)

4. Many hip hop artists use their music to express their personal experiences and social issues.(许多嘻哈艺术家用他们的音乐表达个人经历和社会问题。)

5. Hip hop fashion includes baggy pants, sneakers, and oversized clothing.(嘻哈时尚包括宽松的裤子、运动鞋和超大的服装。)

6. The lyrics in hip hop music often focus on themes such as politics, poverty, and street life.(嘻哈音乐的歌词通常关注、贫困和街头生活等主题。)

7. Hip hop culture has influenced many other art forms, such as film and fashion.(嘻哈文化影响了许多其他艺术形式,如电影和时尚。)

8. I want to learn how to rap and become a hip hop artist.(我想学会说唱并成为一名嘻哈艺术家。)

9. The hip hop community is known for its creativity, diversity, and passion.(嘻哈社区以其创造力、多样性和而闻名。)


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